
Ironically, in this case you'll also be boycotting one of the most talented contemporary gay artists in America. If your motivation was to prevent bigotry, bringing ignorant people together with the type of people they're afraid of or know little about is probably the best thing we can do.
At least the landfill is likely to have 1 or 2 trinkets of value buried underneath the shit.
None of those things involve engaging in tactical warfare against an established nation.
I didn't even know these were gay stereotypes. Until now I assumed it was just a coincidence that 2 separate gay couples I know did this.
Yea you can pretend that Lil Yachty-loving middle schoolers are the pinaccle of "the streets"' taste. By these standards, Future or even 2012 Lil Durk might be top dog (though Future is also an indie blog darling.) This is hardly what Cole would ever compare himself to though. Kendrick Lamar is the epitome of the intellectual Afrocentric symbol that J Cole aspires to be. Kendrick gets lifetime street cred for "Alright" being the unofficial anthem for BLM, and +500 street points by proxy through Black Hippy (esp Schoolboy Q). (Also -499 points for Adam Levine & T-9000 Swiftbot colab)
They just released 2 mediocre songs for The Weeknd...
Since when did we decide to give musicians props for being bland, safe, and pointing out the obvious? The same reason Cole is good at "keeping it real" is the same reason he's lame af. As far as becoming a widely influential and progressive artist , I'd prefer the mentally unhinged (and overtly flawed) person 7 days of the week. I'm pretty sure history would agree with me on that on too. J. Cole needs to learn how to step outside of his comfort zone and let lose if he's ever going to make real noise: work with some diverse producers, or actually listen to non-canonical rap music. He just looks salty and self-righteous now.
For me, the Trilogy's success was based on two main things: 1.) Super tasteful, semi-obscure producers making a sweet, newish sound (at the time) 2.) Semi-mysterious track/music video rollout that was subtly marketed so well it was like crack for indie blogs (and me) I get how these things are gone. What I don't get is the shift in lyric/vocals quality. There used to be a hint of shame or remorse, both in the lyrics and in his tone. Now it sounds like a Canadian gigolo text-bot writes the songs. And the quality of the vocals is B- level RnB by anyone's standards, past or present. Why the autotune on some of these songs? WHY?
He could have just filled out an absentee ballot. Not only is it perfectly legal to photograph yourself doing it, but it only costs the price of a stamp. Serious question: if he no longer owns a residence in Tennessee, but he's still registered to vote there, is this like a weird possibly illegal loophole in the electorate voting system? Why don't we all just register in swing states so that our votes actually matter?
These last two albums are so messy and combination bizarre/Nicklebacky to me. I don't feel any defined niche of coolness she's carving out for herself. Just a mutation of types of music I don't expect people from New York to know or care about. But seriously, what does Gaga think about Grimes? In the course of one album Grimes managed to outshine and outcool everything Gaga spent 6 years trying to make us think she was. I feel like it has to crush her soul to some degree.
Kanye has an ego but he doesn't blatantly lie about his past transgressions, directly threaten people (in real life) with violence, nor does he use legitimate political movements like Black Lives Matter as a shield for being a douche. Azalea Banks is cancer for the very demographic you act like you're trying to protect.
I would rather experience a live Trump campaign speech than listen to this again.
+5 cool points for Crowe hosting small hotel parties and inviting Wutang. +1 bonus point for having Wutang show up to party while you only play Baby-Boomer era white-people party music. Azalea loses zeitgeist points for not respecting the paradoxically hip scenario she was in.
There's a difference between transgressive expression that is intended to offend and illicit a negative response,and general bro-tato douchebaggery. Your argument is sort of like saying American Psycho is equally misogynistic and thus evil as a Paulie Shore movie.
Do you think he serenaded her as put the gun to her head? Man, this guy just knows what the ladies want.
So does this mean Frank Ocean has no Pablo Honey?
Can we NOT turn this into a website with article titles like "X reasons why [insert subjective opinion]"? When did this become an acceptable, ubiquitous method of writing internet article headlines? Does it matter that you specify the number of reasons you have to support your argument? I feel like I'm on Buzzfeed. Chris, you're better than this.
Fast and Furious was a better Point Break remake.
I had to cave and renew my Apple Music (a.k.a. "The Skynet of music") subscription as I don't own a personal computer and fascist iTunes is straight up inaccessible on an android smartphone.
Nice overly emotional response.
Wow, pretty intense response for me just explaining my voting motivations. I don't see why name calling was necessary.
Except that streaming services just become the next Major Labels, only now you need to have paid monthly subscriptions to particular labels in order to hear their releases.
He gets a downvote because I hate 1-dimensional comparisons, they sound inherently dismissive. Even your quoted description is more elaborate. -1 for you for thinking your descriptions are the same.
Don't own a computer. I'm a turbo millennial.
Since when do retailers care about a consumers source of income? Since when is that mall securities job to investigate that? How is what you're saying any different from racial profiling?
This show is awesome. Glad they've kept it running.
Celine Dion, Prince and Michael have had over 30 years to work their way into the collective conscious of society (old people society), hardly a fair comparison. I also doubt most people under 20 even know My Heart Will go On, or the words to a single Prince song. Or even think Purple Rain is not purely a reference to the Future/Drake tour. I dunno what it's like to be your age, but whether you have an interest in pop music or not, if youre in your 20s you WILL know these Drake songs as long as you've been outside in the past 3 months. There is no escape, there is no salvation, there is only One Dance.
Soooo.... Profiling is good then right?
As someone who's been paying for an Apple Music account the last week months I find this royally fucked up. Even though I can listen to the album I will never be able to add it to a playlist with mixtape tracks because the android Apple Music app is a hot pile of dog shit that has been in beta form sans any updates since it's inception. Why cant I incorporate music from my hard drive Jobs Ghost?! Why does Apple Music carry any mixtapes besides Coloring Book Jobs Ghost?! They'll take my money but they will never improve my experience #fuckyouJobsghost.
Russian hackers are coming down hard on the hipster West.
Actually tellers will suffer if enough people pull their money. And then nobody will be able to take out mortgages to buy homes as banks have to increase interest rates, the FDIC will be swamped paying out the differences the banks can't make up in accounts, forcing the taxpayers to pay the difference or watch the entire government default. Even if the banks don't rely on FDIC funds, the value of the dollar will drop at a rate unheard of which will no doubt hurt poor and middle class Americans more than the wealthy. It'll make the 2009 financial crisis look like nothing. Imploring the citizens to abandon the banking system is like telling people to burn their house down because one of the bedrooms is messy. Furthermore I fail to see how reducing our country's financial strength makes people less ignorant or racist. Last time I checked these issues are more prominent when socio-economic issues are on the rise.
I disagree. In the past 10 years, major studios have significantly cut down on medium to low budgeted Hollywood films (5- 100 million dollar budgets) because it's safer to hedge production bets on a handful of +250 million dollar blockbuster movies each year. Most of which are sequels or super hero adaptations that nobody will care about or remember 10 years from now.
Any way we can just get a restraining order that keeps Ed from being within 500 feet of a microphone?
It could also just be a blurred out Dorito's chip. The victims skin complexion looks like Cool Ranch. I'm hungry.