The Petting Zoo: The Week’s Top 10 Animal Videos

The Petting Zoo: The Week’s Top 10 Animal Videos

Happy fourth of July to you, happy fourth of July to you, happy fourth of July dear animal videos that aren’t overwhelmingly patriotic, in fact only one of them is patriotic and that is the number one video, spoiler alert, and it is there only because I searched “patriotic animals” on YouTube — I didn’t see any patriotic animal videos getting passed around on blogs at all this weekend, what’s wrong with everyone, there have to be videos of dogs waving flags out there somewhere, this was the week to share them!, hello!, now we have to wait one more whole year and who even knows where we’ll be at that point, maybe not even alive, not to be too dark, after all this week is for celebrating America with loved ones and living life, but you just never know, every day could be your last and that is why you have to focus on getting the right animal videos out there when you can, happy fourth of July to you! AND MANY MORE!

10. Dog Goldberg Machine

9. Porcupine Climbs Man

8. Kitten Vs. Newspaper

7. Somebody Help This Otter!!!!

6. Breakdancing Dog

5. Baby Chimp, Tiger, and Wolf Playing

4. Sloth Piano

3. Corgi Puppy Doesn’t Want To Wake Up

2. “This Is So Cute I Think My Head’s Gonna Pop Off”

1. Patriotic Pets

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