
I suspect this comment will be the highlight of my day. :(
Agreed. "Oblivion" did an exceptional job exploring these concepts.
Agreed. I rolled my eyes right out of my head when I saw this in my NYT RSS feed... but then I popped them back in, started reading, and couldn't stop.
Are we calling Nathan Fillion "the guy from Castle" now? :(
I agree that Gabe didn't necessarily mean that as an attack on her or anything of the sort. Just the wording of that one bit made me very uneasy. Of course that one blurb was not even the point of his post, but I thought a little more care could have been taken. Thanks for listening, folks!
Sorry again. Sensitive subject for me, obviously. Carry on!
Going to get serious for a moment, fair warning and I apologize... "...being diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, which is pretty treatable and everyone has something going on that they probably wish was not going on, and my point is that her being diagnosed with bi-polar disorder doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal. To me." As someone who has family members who have suffered with bi-polar disorder and who has had two of those family members commit suicide, even while getting treatment, this kind of flippant attitude makes me feel pretty damn shitty. I know no harm was meant but... come on, man.
Well if someone wasn't okay, they probably wouldn't be able to comment and let us know. ..... I'm sorry. :(
He IS J.D. McCoy’s fucking dad! Holy smokes. Get Gabe in the pundit ring.
I'm right there with you. In hell.
Yes, M’éagəñ ‘s comment is still making me laugh. Go M’éagəñ!
It's nearly 2am as I'm typing, and this made me laugh far too loudly.
I believe they did, yes. (Sorry for the lack of research to back up my claim; I've read on several sites that they did recast and that was in fact The Mountain but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. Too lazy to google? Yes.)
Considering that I have to work all weekend, and probably all-nighters at that, I would say that the weekday chickens definitely caught me and are now planning a 48-hour slow torture death via pecking. *cue a Robert Downer Jr. joke*
This video needs a 3 second rule, AMIRITE? :/
Poor Toby Jones. Always the biopic bridesmaid, never the biopic bride.
She's in the White Lodge now, having a damn fine cup of coffee.
Ah, yes. Fond memories of Going to the Store rushing back to me. Normal memories of a normal video.
You know what it says in the Bible: "Let he who is without sin throw all of the stones at them there homosexuals."
This, right after his amazing response to Hillary Clinton's human rights speech (Perry: "promoting special rights for gays in foreign countries is not in America's interests and not worth a dime of taxpayers' money"), really makes him an American hero. What an inspiration to us all. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pray for Rick Perry to walk straight into a tar pit.
What works conceptually for one show does not necessarily work for another. (Granted, I never watched Lost so maybe the time jumps didn't work there either but... yeah, you get it.)
No! Don't do your worst, Bachmann. Please for the love of god, don't!
I hear what you are saying, but I can't say I really agree that the joking about a victim of domestic violence counts as a stupid or silly joke. (Not that Rihanna in general is off limits but jokes specifically about that incident get under my skin a bit.) But you know, who am I to define the lines of taste? And you are right that in this case it involves a child, which really kicks up the whole terrible factor. Thanks for the response. I didn't want you to think I was over here stomping my feet and yelling, "the nerve of that facetaco!" I am always paranoid about my tone online.
word*** this question. Now I really AM a jerk.
I am truly honestly not writing this as an attack on you but as a sincere question - This meme (which I also think is gross) crosses the line for you but posting a photoshopped picture of Rhianna with a bruise on her eye is acceptable internet behavior? Again - not trying to be a jerk! Really! I just don't know how to work this question without sounding like one. :(
"I knew I was too slow with this tip" - that's what he said? eesh.
Aw, I knew I was too slow with this tip. :( Love that whale.
Pretty In Pink was one of my favs on twitter. Wish I could take credit.
I shall send you a dozen gold goblets for this one. Excellent.
Sorting by score would most definitely not help solve the concerns over comments being too much of a competition for LOLs. (Is that even a real sentence? What a mess.) That said, I don't want to lose the upvote/downvote system either. And as a lowly lurker, I have to admit I am guilty of blowing through caption contests and such by looking mainly for the most upvoted comments.
Sorry, what I meant to say was YAY FRIDAY!!!!
But gifs out of context, while funny, are maybe not as funny. Right? If you find the perfect gif as a response to a joke or something, wouldn't that have maximum impact? Whereas here it would just be a series of random images. Probably amusing random images, but still. Eh. I don't know. "She doesn't even go here!" etc.
Okay. Today is way too confusing for me.
I'm not fishing for downvotes and I'm not even talking about animal rights but... really? I'm not sure of the point of them doing this. To get press for more donations? I can't think of anything else. It can't be the most efficient way to clean up, and I'm sure the elephant isn't loving it. I'm not really finding it all that whimsical, if that's the intention. (And I'm really not even sure if that IS the intention. I'm truly at a loss.) But if it somehow brings in more money for help, more power to them I guess.
Emily Fitch!!!!!! This would be her actual reaction. Truth.
Gabe couldn't hear it because he was too busy floating away on a Blais dream cloud (made out of liquid nitrogen), head in hands, eyes glazed over (probably with liquid nitrogen). Blais is a good chef (duh), but god he's an ass sometimes. And you know what? I love Stephanie, the winner of his season. DEALWITHIT.GIF
So many downvotes, noooooo! We are talking UK Skins people. UK Skins. *single tear*