
I thought they were dressed as gender-reversed characters Beatlejuice and Lydia*. Coincidence? *Aaron Paul looks like he dressed up as a drag king, which is a hard look to pull off.
When I went back to school this spring, I had a professor try to explain how Japanese - and other Asian peoples because they're all the same, right? - people don't 'think logically' but instead think in some other abstract way. Because that's not completely condescending and gross enough, but then I was like, "whoa... [WHOA! - Blossom, right?] are we going to talk about how racist this is?" and she told me that it's okay because her Asian friend (not even Japanese though) told her it was fine.
This is sort of MSNBC's token right wing show. While the rest of the network would be laughing, all of the people that might consider voting for Romney at the network are sitting in that room. I do like that woman apologizes for even presenting the story. Oops! I did my job!
Part 2 is them smelling each other's assholes, right?
Re: the really nice penis... Usually the circumcision scar is much higher than that.
Nina Sky!!!! The Veronicas are Australian anyway.
Were they The Veronicas? They're the only girl-band I can think of that would get make-up endorsements. (sorry T.A.T.U. and The Donnas)
mea not? meant. I mean't meant.
My mouse slipped! I mean't to upvote. Upvote!!!!
"I'm pooping" - That Baby
How did no one say Bad Robot Show? It works on so many levels!
I think Rihanna should play Michelle Pfeiffer in the Scarface remake. Maybe have a movie premiere on TV and the announcer can say "and there goes Michelle Pfeiffer!" as Rihanna walks by. Either that, or she can play Michelle's part from the old movie in the new movie. Everyone else has new dialogue and the plot is different, but she's still the same. I have so many ideas! How about Rihanna plays the Ventriloquist in the next Batman reboot!!! His dummy was named Scarface. She can even say "say hello to my little friend" just like we know she does once a week in real life. This is so much fun.
Where's Tupac's holigram when you need it?
Always... the Simpsons did it
You crazy minorities get off my lawnchair!
The very good and normal speech sadly lost all credibility when it was revealed that the chair HAD, in fact, run a lemonade stand.
There was also the black CNN camerawoman who had nuts thrown at her by some wacko yelling "this is how we feed animals"
Re: the Biden Quote - poor Franklin Douglas, W.E.B. Du Bois, MLK Jr., Sidney Poitier, Denzel Washington, Bill Cosby, etc (plus the women, but you get the point)
Excuse me, but running a lemonade stand is actually a first-episode style task on The Apprentice. (it was the series premiere even)
Donna Troy would never get into a Justice League movie because of Wonder Woman. If they want a little sister, they'll use Supergirl. Black Canary would work. Hawkgirl is too difficult to produce on film (Hawkman would be easier to convince the studio to finance). The only other major women are Zatanna, Huntress, and Vixen. (Vixen only because she's a diversity double play [what? - Halle Berry as Storm] and she was one of the New 52 JLI members)
not to be all nerdgum meets sticklergum, but the applause is for the programmers, right? It's not like cheering at the movies- the people behind it are really there.
I'll tell you what DIDN"T make me cry. That scene in The Pagemaster when Horror is in the chains and Mr. Hyde is going crazy and Horror nearly falls in the pit and it's scary. I for sure didn't cry at all when I watched that movie again in college. Nope.
His face looks like Toni Collette.
What about FlashForward? Don't leave that off the list of "the next LOST!" failed shows.
well... unless you're his wife. Then you should be more careful.
I hate it when things accidentally go off all at the same time and only last 15 seconds. Something something penis something.
They kept really awkwardly setting up actually dangerous scenarios and then resolving them by having the characters really just have fireworks. - sure just leave the door wide open as you run out of the house - are those teenagers buying drugs from that strange man in the car? where are the po-oh wait, it's just fireworks - sure, totally normal to ask little girls to go behind trees with you to show them what you have
But is he the voice of the Toys R Us giraffe???? - Tom Hanks' brother.
I thought Michael Pitt was the second most famous Pitt, but I was wrong.
even though I do enjoy my TMNT II: Secrets of the Ooze, I have to admit the first is officially the best. And let's not discuss when they went back to ancient Japan.
my coworker's father moved to Argentina once Italy surrendered and he would have been forced to fight with the Allies but I think he was 'just' a racist and a fascist, not a Nazi.
It's a camera angle trick. It's still more agile than most adults are, but it's mostly just the fast motion and the neon leggings making it look like that.
but are they Jewish-Jewish?
Today's anti-Semitic rant is brought to you by the letter G, for Goebbels.
I don't know... I think we should wait to see how Tully feels about this before we react.
They're airing ads with the quote "the Citizen Kane of stripper movies", because of course. The hardest decision of our lives is going with the big screen version for scale or dvd for rewind and pause. (in case the phone rings)
Speaking of "the curse of being very good" - how about that ad with Jordan Knight singing the Old Navy songs? Huh?!?! Oh, you know!
I need a ruling on if we'll allow Ryan Gosling to bare his ass on the cover of a magazine next year or if that's too much of a Franco thing. What's that? We'll allow it? Okay.
"What about us?!?" - Paul, Huntsman, Bachman, Santorum, Karger The story of Fred Karger is so sad. He's the gay Republican running that announced his campaign before most of the current candidates, but all of the party caucuses blacklisted him from the forums and debates so the mainstream media isn't even bothering to cover him. Iowa was like "if you come to our primary we will have you evicted" but the party is not anti-gay. Nope, not at all. Just ask the log cabin republicans.