
I don't know, but shortly after the video returned, I was hungry for an old guy pointing up.
That kind of stung. And why was that the end of the interview? Talk about leaving on a downer.
I want to edit video of myself with video footage of Hollywood studios, too, so I can have a glamorous life.
Needs more Richard Attenborough, though.
Is Kutcher now the Half-Man since the previous half-man is all grown up and a full-man now?
This could be a national holiday. At the rate the internet makes up national holidays, there will be one for everybody. Did you know that yesterday was National Eat Whatever You Want Day? Cool fake holiday, internet.
Salami and You and Everyone We Know
Subway We Were No Country for Old Bread The Jerk [Chicken Sandwich] Star Wars: The Phantom Mayonnaise
I still don't really get who Ellie Goulding is or why she was on that show. I skipped over her performances, though, because Who Cares? and I bet that didn't help me.
I think they'll be okay. No claws for alarm.
I like that after embarrassing himself in front of dozens of subway riders, this dude went home and said, "Uploading this to the internet is a good idea!" because he has a pair. I bet he was chanting, "USA! USA!" as youtube was processing the file.
You could have been like, "Yeah, they're eating hamburgers now, but they'll have hot dogs for dessert." And then you could add, "If you know what I mean..." And then, "I'm talking about penises. The dessert hot dogs are actually each others' penises." I'd up-vote that.
I'm not going to lie. I'll never get enough "Dick Cheney shot someone in the face" jokes, even coming from Leno. That was the best news story ever.
Barack Obama didn't take "wasn't optimistic it could be done" for an answer.
I just hope the citizens get all the POM Wonderful Presents: POM Wonderful Juice they can drink.
We might have to settle for a Slow Upvote.
Oh, 2007. You were a crazy year and will be sorely missed.
Oh cool. Thanks for this very specific information.
I'm gonna go ahead and get Jessie Slaughter's dad on the case. He'll backtrace it and consequences will never be the same.
It was German for "The Rebecca Black, The."
Oh cool! A hilarious fake movie trailer burp that won't be in the actual movie. Those are the funniest! I'm actually really excited for Bridesmaids, though. It's because I secretly want to marry Kristen Wiig. And by "secretly," I mean, "not at all secretly."
Or maybe his nickname was "Prison Nic."
(see above response. but thanks!)
Gross! I thought it was creepy enough when that one dude felt up his sister's boobs. Too far, Game of Thrones!
Spoiler! The best part was at the end when that kid climbed the tower to watch this dude and this girl doin' it, and the girl was like, "Dude! Prithee stop! We are bespied upon by a child!" And dude was all, *zips up*. And then, "What seeith thou, Child?" And the kid went, "My eyes rested upon naught! Upon my own Mother's grave, I swear it to be true!" And the dude was all, "Okay then." And then he knocked the kid out of the tower window! Whoa! Then the girl yelled, "OMG!" and "@.@". I watched it while doing other things, though. I take it the dude and the girl's doing of it was scandalous? Basically, there's three grabbers, three taggers, five twig runners, and a player at Whackbat. Center tagger lights a pine cone and chucks it over the basket and the whack-batter tries to hit the cedar stick off the cross rock. Then the twig runners dash back and forth until the pine cone burns out and the umpire calls hotbox. Finally, you count up however many score-downs it adds up to and divide that by nine.
What has the world come to when a guy can't weirdly dance-walk down the street without a stranger video-recording and putting it on youtube? Who should be more embarrassed? The guy who's happily dancewalking down the street or the guy taking videos of strangers and posting them on-line?
Just to clarify, this isn't an April Fool's prank. It's just regular sarcasm. Obviously that prank was totally awful. Hey, should we steer clear of sarcasm today, too, just to keep from having things we say construed as pranks?
It's too late. I already told all my facebook friends that I'm probably pregnant! :(
Yeah. I was gonna ask if there was any way to get this video behind a cut. Probably not, since it's a short post and there's no writing before the video. I guess I just won't be refreshing very much today.
Do vegans not use fossil fuels, too?
I was gonna come up with a slogan, but when I saw the guy take a swig of mouthwash and then pour some out (I assume for his toothless homeys? I watched the video on mute.), I kind of gave up on it. And everything else as well. See you in another life, guys. Dante Hicks IS Aramis!
Question: May I still write screenplays in April if I promise they have nothing to do with Script Frenzy?
Also, bleeping "YOU" in the first commercial is possibly the funniest thing I'll see today.
Can we dedicate a corner of this thread to those of us who are ignoring this thing and just waiting for it to go away? I haven't heard a single note of that song*, nor the death metal parodies, nor anything else, and I plan on keeping it that way. *within the context of that song anyway. i'm sure i've heard every note and also every word included in it in other songs and things that have words.
Cool video! Now I know what it's like to stare into infinity or walk on the sun.
Friday + Thursday Gif thread = Perfect place for Lil Sebastian reactions, yes? Don't leave a bro hangin'.