
Don't worry, Billy. You still hold the title of worst shirt and tie combination ever.
Way better than Avatar.
" also gave those avaricious oil tycoons a hard hit on their face." TWSS?
P.S. I was finally able to login, where do I pick up my Samsung Behold II?
Now, I've never been interviewed on television but I'm pretty sure any attempt to present a credible argument against any type of accusation is to definitely use the word "Motherfucker" while wearing clown make-up during that interview.
I like how you made her so well spoken... "Father's semen" ha!
Sandra Lee took the masquerade too far...lemonade is fatal to her species.
Too Tron, Too Trailers.
That was a live appearance where?
Tiki, tiki, tiki means getting fingered on or in whatever prize you get. My boyfriend is at least spontaneous.
It saddens me that somewhere, someone will purchase this DVD based on the logic "With a cover this zany, the rest of the movie must be a true knee-slapper!" This train of thought will be arrived at with the utmost seriousness. Also, this person's favorite band is Smashmouth.
If I want to fuck something blue, I'll choke my girlfriend! Amirite?
I can sympathize with his because when Michael Jackson died I got a ton of phone calls asking if I was okay. I wanted to sue the shit out of baby after I saw how many minutes I had used.
Pretty psyched I no longer have to read other comments. Is it too late to vote videogum as best whatever in New York?
My favorite part was when Streisand goes "The time has come." but the "time" could have been one of two things and then the camera goes tight on Lee Daniels being deflated as he loses a would be historic Academy Award to another historic Academy Award. Streisand is the best/worst.
There Will Be No Bodily Fluid Involved At All.
"The I'm a fucking waste of time and energy to even pay attention to because I'll never go away and only make you more angry and depressed about the downward spiral that our country is in exhibited by my inexplicable popularity and staying power despite the fact that I am clearly uneducated and completely unfit to to even make a cogent statement on a garbage light night farce let alone run an entire state or god forbid a country Show."
Ugh...Ignore me. Edit/Delete Post button plz.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I hope Sam Waterson called someone a crack ass bitch.
Probably should have asked me to vote before the redesign...
This should really have more upvotes.
Sometimes when I cringe and my pupils dilate with rage, it looks like I'm laughing.
I wonder if God told Joan of Arc that one day her plight would be used as an allegory for pissing yourself.
That made me the most angry, her in front of her "what we think news desks will look like in the future" fact station. "Let's go to this bimbo to see if stripper poles are on the internet." Fuck. You.
I fee like I'm jumping on the bandwagon but this is literally the worst television program I have ever seen. I really expected the show to end with the entire panel giving each other handjobs while Tom Papa read jokes off his hand. And seriously with your dumb new corespondent in the corner checking stats? What is that? What is funny about this?
Unless the definition of lame was changed to "fucking awesome" in the last hour, you are wrong.
The Storm seems like the guy who looks creepy and like kind of an asshole so no one talks to him but then you are forced to talk to him one day because held a door for you or something and it turns out he is a normal nice guy and then you guys probably go to Scandals.
They aren't supposed to be sideways?
They've definitely all been naked in the same room at the same time.
The Nightmare Realm sounds a lot like Camden, NJ.
Philadelphia is, afterall, the City of Brotherly (and sisterly) Love...and murders. Mostly murder actually.
Wait, what did someone do to this guy's dog?
This happens a lot in pornos.
This post makes no sense. Can this really be called low-budget when the actor who played Randy Quaid's older son in Independence Day is in it? Welcome to Earth, Gabe.
This is what you get when you mess with Kesha.