
That was more of that guy's penis than I ever needed to see.
Being a rat lover currently separated from my little guy, I guess it is a little biased when I say that every Die Antwoord video I see tugs at my heartstrings a little.
You are not alone in this.
I am so proud of Jake. I was behind him all the way!
Favorite ad of the night.
Could The Who be any more old and tired? Poor guys, they look like they could use a nap.
"Please come to my show. It's going to be cool i promise." Is now going on every promotional flyer I make ever.
Also, if you guys haven't been to Die Antwoord's myspace and listened to Dagga Puff, then you need to. It is basically a hip hop lullaby about smoking weed and then having sex, and then smoking more weed and having more sex.
I'm not going to lie, Die Antwoord has been my new favorite music group for the past week. When Gabe posted their videos yesterday I nearly had a mind explosion. Die antwoord is taking over and I am McLoving it!
See!? I'm not alone! Well Tie, I guess we're both outcasts now. Forced to forage for scraps on the edge of videogum.
I hope he falls in love with a Zwinky. Photobucket
Ballistic: Pete vs. Pete. (It's like a puzzle! We all play a part!)
Rocko's Modern Waking Life
How about, AHH!! Real-Estate Monsters. I suppose this would be more a reality show about washed up cartoon monsters trying to make it as real estate agents.
Holy shit Joefry, do you see what you did there? You stole this comment thread right out from under Gabe's nose! Power shift! Joefry is now our leader!
My Maronna.- Big Pete? My Sharona? Get It? I'm drowning out here!
Quick! Someone get that city council member a hidden camera show!