
I hate to out myself as a Twilight reader, but you are incorrect with your factoids. The kid does age rapidly, and she stops aging after 7 years, BUT that's just how long it takes her to reach adulthood. Then she stops aging, forever. So, Jacob WILL get laid, don't worry.
Thankfully there are no pictures of my n' boyfriend on the couch in the back. i looked rough, despite my videogum t-shirt (which i thought would be one of many... wrong. nerd). Also, FYI, I was the chick during Max's set with the Coldplay tattoo... damn white wine for whispering in my ear that it would be funny to say that out loud to a room full of people who are far cooler than I.
If any NYC monsters need a lady singer to bring your dream to life, hit me up. :)
how did this happen? seriously, how did this get here?
Major props to my boyfriend for posting this on my facebook. It takes a team effort to make monster magic happen.
I now consider my unemployment to be worth it. :)
No, I took the front door with my Office Max organizer in one hand, and a snotty, tear stained napkin in the other. :)
Hey Monsters- Guess who has two thumbs and got fired today? Any of you NYC monsters got any leads on some part time work?
thank god someone said something about those hearts. That was basically the point where he was subconsciously trying to warn us all that he is literally a serial murderer.
Whoever took the time to arrange that for an entire marching band... This is a beautiful way to break out of that horrible Thursday morning funk (why oh why isn't it Friday? it feels like it should be Friday).
AAAAh. Stupid filter at work won't let me see it. Apparently it's adult content? Someone help me!
Shit, this lady just made me remember how good McNuggets are. Damn my girlfriend, I was just getting straight. (TWSS)
Awesome. That made me happy.
Sigh... apparently I'm a sucker, cuz I liked it. I really like Eminem's new album. I really like looking at Dominic Monaghan's mouth. I think the visuals were effective. I think we were supposed to be disturbed by this video, so it wins.
Please go the website RIGHT NOW. This person is BRILLIANT. CAPS level brilliant.
I am very frightened. I have a feeling this woman has the preserved corpses of drifters propped up in various positions all around her house.
oh man, i used to be so good at these, but that just took me about 3 minutes to see... farewell, my youth.