
In season 2 there might be a dude who runs out of his thyroid medication and becomes really super sleepy.
So happy that I hadn't seen anything to spoil the surprise of the Red Wedding and I'm so happy that I am enough of an idiot not to have seen it coming despite of all the clues. I actually even heard that something referred to as the Red Wedding would take place at the end of this season, but I STILL didn't connect the dots until I saw the chainmail. You simply can't spoil Game of Thrones for me! I am way too dumb! And how wonderful that is.
"Oh, wow, you're Gwyneth Paltrow." - Something Gwyneth also tells herself whenever she catches her own reflection in the mirror, in the rear view mirror, in a store-front window, or really just about any given moment of the day no matter the situation, sometimes even as she wakes up in the middle of the night.
I wanted Drake to destroy SOMETHING, but I guess he only does faces.
Dave Days? What days are we talking about here? ...FRIDAYS!? Thank you for your time.
Kelly, what exactly do you mean by "those people?" ...Oh, those people. Ew.
It's easy to be this hardass orator when you don't even have to magine that your audience is in their underwear.
Pretty sure Louis C.K. is doing this to get back at Videogum for dropping the Louis C.K. promise.
You can have Dirt Loder. #muddingjokes
Remember when the M in MTV used to mean something? I think it was mudding.
Good points. I'd also like to say that it's not as if we have some meaningful, emotional connection with the fates and lives of the characters in AD. There's no epic story that will be messed up by a continuation. If it's bad it will be because if bad jokes that fall flat and that probably won't make us enjoy the great old stuff any less. Unless perhaps the worst case scenario occurs where they just make continous references and rehashes of the old jokes and that somehow waters out the originals. But I don't know, I laughed every time Gob said "C'mon" and I probably would even if the show was just Gob saying "C'mon" a lot. There's a good risk the show isn't as funny, but I'll take that chance. It might be half as funny as the original and that'll make it twice as funny as anything on TV right now. I know, because I did the math and if you want I can show my work.
When she said, "I'm not lying," she was actually lying.
He's working on numerous other projects, all of which are under the working title Boys.
I think it's like a cowhide. He probably just went to get a bigger cowhide.
At least the person in that video didn't sing All That Jazz.
I love that there's at least one show that's great that I don't have to worry about getting cancelled. 18 seasons of Game of Thrones!
I don't thrust this Billboard algorithm.
Excuse me, where do you keep your Kacca? Oh, aisle 1? The KACCA aisle. Okay, thanks.