
I searched that! It was skillfully done, so I don't think she'd mind. Plus, those penises were ejaculating (into her mouth, very efficiently) so it's not as though the penises were just waving about, mocking her, you know. Frankly, if someone did that to me I'd be flattered. Good on you, disturbed yet creative perverts.
Big fan of the crazy person who decided to type a frickin essay-comment on that first video. (Essay-comment: it's how homeboys chat)
Is it bad that I'm 30 and this is the first time I've ever seen Mr. Wizard? I'm 22, by the way.
That James Cameron is so great and smart. I’m pretty sure he singly-handedly invented the elephant or something. Just such a great talent for inventing extremely useful things like elephants.
He must have had a driver with a getaway car waiting for him, like bank robbers, I bet. If it was me, and I realized what he'd just done, I would have left him there as soon as he bumbled out of the store. Well, whoever was behind the wheel of that dude's getaway car must be totally oblivious to jerks.
I think incest is okay for Jaime and Cersei, but definitely NOT okay for Dexter and Debra. And that is irrefutable, indisputable, undeniable.
Well, I'm inspired. Every time I meet a kid with cancer I'm going to shrug and say, "That's how I feel!" and pat the kid on the head, and then rush to the nearest restroom to wash my hands of the sickly peasant. Then I'll go buy some diamonds and just...lay around for a while, stroking my diamonds, thinking about how terrible it was for me having to talk to some gross cancer baby.
Oh, news people and the way they talk to us like we're all idiots. "Take a SIP...of a STEAK!" "You have to TASTE BELIEVE IT AAAAAH WE HATE YOU STUPID JERKS WHO WATCH OUR VERY INFORMATIVE NEWS SHOW." "Inhale it...THROUGH A STRAW! You anorexic FUCKERS."
oh, thank goodness gracious me.
ALMOST, Alyx. You almost typed a coherent thing. Nice try, stupid.
Is it bad that I immediately looked at his crotch upon clicking this? That Jon Hamm thing really ruined the way I look at pictures. What's more, apart from his crotch area being visible in the picture is really the only link between those two situations. And it just gets muddled from there. I think I need therapy.
YAAAAAAAAAAAA Also I am Olivia Wilde now, because I finally acknowledged today how obsessed I am with her and because she is our generation’s Minka Kelly.
YES, this is better!
Yay! A GIGANTIC insignificant victory!
Here, use this: