
Well, let's have a toast for the assholes.
"Only God can judge, me so I'm gone, either love me, or leave me alone", Jay-Z
I like that he's very earnest and he takes full credit for both his successes and his mistakes, which Pres. Bush has made it his signature to boldly ignore. So.
"Excuse me, was Gabe sayin' somethin'? Na-ha, he can't tell me nothin'!", Kanye
"Please, Sir, I want some more (pistachios)." O. Twist - Charles Dickens
Wait, so really no one's going as Ms. Blankenship???
Well whatever her intention was, the fat's definitely in the fire now.
Foreigner = Non-American
From a foreigner's point of view, the recent stream of shows about fat people ("Huge", this show) kinda makes me feel like fat people (and Marketing execs aiming for them) are beginning to form a sort of ghetto, perhaps due to the constant rejection they feel and the fact that many of them nowadays don't have the means to better their situation.
Thanks y'all! / Muchas gracias!
Bridget Jones's Diary: A little girl's account of her stay in Fat Camp, which she writes in the top bunk bed, hiding from weighting time.
Let Me In: Fred Flinstone's mental health is dangerously damaged after a lifetime of unsuccessfully knocking on his door.
Apocalypto: Mel Gibson calls Oksana Grigoryeva.
Avatar: A Videogum Monster's quest to find the perfect, most cool enhancing pic.
Very Bad Things: Starring Charlie Sheen.
I'm Not There: A modern man's struggle to record the right voicemail welcome.
Kill Bill, vols. I & II: The Ladies of The View decide to take revenge on Bill O'Reilly.
Old Dogs: Two ageing dogs, voiced by Robin Williams and John Travolta, are finally put to sleep after a lifetime of WMOAT candidacies.