
I can also say from experience that a lot of women are shocked by their bodies when they come out of their awkward phase. It's a bizarre mental transition from "I am a hideous pimply lady-beast" to "Where the fuck did this ass come from?" Also, Christina Hendricks sends out some pretty body-positive messages to women and doesn't seem to take herself too seriously. Respect.
The woman is known predominantly for her (admittedly glorious) rack rather than her considerable acting talent. I can understand why she's kind of pissed of about being judged by her looks.
Also, remember when he cut all the funding for the Summerworks festival because it featured a play about Muslims? Or when he didn't give a shit about the kids of Attawapiskat having to live under a tarp? Or when he indefinitely shut down the entire Canadian political system because his government faced a vote of no confidence? Or when he decided we didn't need a census? Or...fuck it. He's just a bag of dicks. A right wing, openly homophobic bag of dicks.
As a queer feminist living in Toronto, it is really scary to know that we have a Prime Minister who has such an avowed dislike for all three things.
I wish I could say the same for Ontario, but Dalton McGuinty is almost as much as a butthole as Mitt Romney. #canadagum
Realistically, he's probably just a douchebag, but still. That's five rape-y subplots in as many seasons.
So far, our Blair has been raped by Chuck's creepy uncle, pimped out to that same uncle by Chuck himself, lost her unborn child in a horrific accident and suffered multiple nervous breakdowns. Chuck has also attempted to rape Jenny once, successfully statutory raped her another time, and had to stop his uncle from raping Jenny's stepmom. I'm worried about Josh Schwartz, you guys. And by worried I mean "concerned that he might be keeping teenage girls in the cellar."
Katniss Everdeen > Blair Waldorf. FACT.
I don't know, man. I think it's HeMan's song now.
Do you want to go to semi-formal, Dan Robertson? You "don't feel like going to semi-formal", Dan Robertson? Well fine then, I will spend the night doing the Macarena with the rest of the Improv Team and having a grand old time and looking awesome in my $35 dress and it will be your loss, Dan Robertson.
If there's one thing I never want to experience again, it's being fifteen and in love.
Say, Gabe? How would Birdie feel about me taking her to South Korea?
If this becomes a thing, it will render 101 Dalmatians hilariously dated.
I don't know. There are all these pictures of them sitting in a lovely park and all I can think is "Why didn't you just get married in the lovely park?"
"He also talks about Young Adult, no doy, and guys I want to see that movie. Not SO bad, not as bad as I want to rent Another Earth on iTunes, but I do want to see it." I'm just gonna come right out and say that I really want to be BFF with Kelly.
28 Days Later (Than Canadian Thanksgiving)
I love the "real turkey hunting excitement" plug at the end because it implies that there is such a thing as fake turkey hunting excitement, which I guess is like faking an orgasm only more difficult.
This just makes me want to re-watch Vernon, Florida.
I can get behind that, actually.
No one could ever possibly be as cool.
If they cast James Franco as Joe Strummer, I will cut a bitch. Actually, I'll probably just sulk and not see the movie, but you get the sentiment.
Teenagers have active and adult sex lives that are in no way awkward or ill-advised.
Oof, I hear you, sister. Why don't we put on "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and go on a lively shopping spree? My best friend Judy Greer said she'd come along to make us look prettier by comparison!
I don't know about you guys, but as a high-powered magazine editor from New York who puts my career ahead of my love life, I feel like Hollywood really gets me. Anyway, I gotta go. I've been assigned to handcuff myself to the cute but infuriating new photographer at the magazine for a piece on gender differences. What wacky hijinks will ensue in our Battle of the Sexes?
This is where the angry man, he becomes so angry that he starts yelling about being angry and then all the people at home make yelling because they're angry also and it's funny because it is an unusual thing to happen on the news, you know while you home eating dinner and it's six o'clock and you put on the news and there's a crazy man yelling there and everything.
And now the boat is making for the sinking and it is funny because there are not enough little boats to fit all the people from the big boat so it is going to cause many problems for them.
And this is the part where the bad man tells the guy Lucas that he's his father and everything and Lucas makes a face like you make when you angry and then Lucas says no a lot because he doesn't want the bad man to be his father.
This is the part where Sharon opens her legs and you can kinda see her vagina for like three seconds and Michael Douglas is all "Say what?!"
Really? I heard that it makes Sting come to your town and lead all the children away.
I love that in the inset photo of "J. Lo's New Man" it is impossible to tell which one is J. Lo and which one is The Man.