
Mary! How've you been, kid? What a shit development this was, eh? Thank you for my one time in the monster's ball. Made me feel like a goddamn princess.
This was supposed to be a good day. I got to take a glorious midday nap and everything. Then I woke up and saw the giant shit sandwich that was this news. Just the worst news.
Today we are all that vomit stain.
I have Associate Editor's Choice from Mary (remember her?), and nothing else. Which clearly means Gabe and Kelly always hated me. I totally feel like Buster up there. Fuck it. I ride in the front seat now.
Long-time lurker, occasional commenter here. I think the thing I saw first on Videogum was a Mad Men recap...? Back when those were still happening, ya know? 100 years ago. I remember at one point I became really obsessed with that show and I was already reading Best Week Ever (RIP) and AV Club, TWOP, etc. Somehow, a random clicked link brought me here. I'm having a hard time remembering the specifics, which can only mean one thing: it was magic/destiny that brought me on board and possibly magic/destiny that created this blog in the first place. I am generally a cynical, emotional black hole of a person who hates everything and everyone (not really), and I can say without hesitation that this site is special. Gabe and Kelly (and others) are brilliant, yes, and they did an outstanding job here every day, but what really makes this place great is the community of intelligent, kind, open-minded folks that visit and comment here every day. I mean, how is it possible that not one youtube-caliber asshole has sneaked past and made us all reconsider our choice to keep coming back? I really can't explain that. It's a miracle. Videogum IS a miracle, and I will forever be ruined for other similarly themed blogs.
Oh no, was this bad? I just meant 'cause, like, you know, 50 has been arrested before and Meryl is like a feisty outlaw in general! Sorry, guys! I'm not so good at the appropriate humor sometimes.
Ah! Of course! *comical head self-slap*
What people don't know is that these two go way back, having spent a night together in Osage County Jail.
Did I miss the Taylor Swift reference? When did that occur?
Ah never mind, who can forget the great Rachel Mencken Katz?
Am I wrong, or is Lindsey Weir the first of Don's mistresses to dump HIM??
OMG OMG OMG OMG! Making it into the Monster's Ball for the first time (as a very infrequent commenter of late, no less) is wayyyyyy more gratifying than I ever imagined it would be! Thank you, Mary! Thank you, Videogum! I really wish that I had taken the time to welcome you in the "Welcome Mary" post, but I am a public school teacher and have LITERALLY no time for fun things. Man, this really cancels out my whole shitty week.
I second your disagreeing!
You guys, what follows is a true story, but take it with a grain of salt because my memory is pretty shoddy: Once when I was 18 and being driven home from college by my dad, we stopped for gas in northern California and I saw Rider "Shawn Hunter" Strong AT THE NEXT GAS PUMP putting gas in a Toyota Corolla! Except I'm not sure it was a Corolla, and I'm not sure how old I really was (but some kind of teenager because upon spotting him I instantly attempted to make myself look as cute and aloof as possible, should he happen to look my way), and I'm also not sure where, geographically, the alleged (ha!) gas station was. But the important part of the story is all true! Side note: My freshman year of college I took General Psychology and scoffed at the notion that the test subjects in memory experiments scored so poorly but now I get it. I get it. #old
And why Hank? I love Hank! Non-ironically! Even though I really, really wanted him to DEA his way into the know rather than let some lame damning evidence [literally] catch him with his pants down.
Do you LOVE Rachel McAdams? Or do you LOVE Naomi Watts? WHO DID YOU MEAN, GABE??? I need to know how you feel about both of these actresses!
I am the fifth person.
Let Herb be the mirror being held up to all of society! (Ew.)