
I want them to get married too!
Hey Gabe, when's the Entourage movie coming out?
Clerks 3: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
"I'm not racist, just crazy." - Donald Trump "Whew!" - the world
To be fair, that brush wasn't going to clear itself.
You know, in the dark, he kind of looks like Bruce Campbell... if Bruce Campbell was a robot! Oh me.
Vince McMahon: The ceremony takes place at a small arena in Bakersfield. Nominated people walk in to rap-metal versions of their movie theme songs. For the Irving Thalberg Award match, Spielberg will give a ten minute rant about how George Lucas was like a brother to him before he betrayed him. They will then stand less than a foot apart and have a stare down until Harrison Ford runs into the ring and hits Lucas in the back of the head with a folding chair. Ford and Spielberg will then fake kick Lucas in the ribs until Martin Scorsese sneaks into the ring, taps them on the shoulders, and punches them both in the face in slow motion while a Rolling Stones song plays. After chasing Spielberg and Lucas out of the ring, Scorsese will present Lucas with the award in the form of a giant gold belt. After announcing the best picture, Dame Judi Dench will dive 10 feet into a table wrapped with barbed wire.
* A theif is a dyslexic thief.
Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. BOOM! Obviously Aniston plays the cop and Jolie plays the theif.
Oh, I get it. If you sign up for his $10 monthly subscription, you'll get to see his Rally to Get Subscriptions in Israel this August.
Party on Ethan, Matt, John, Keebler, Julian, Eric, Dani, Billy, Scott, Todd, Slippy, Hamilton, David, Gregory, Nibbles, Vernon, Terri, Michael, Brian, Ryan, Joshua and Timmy! Be excellent to each other.
Gabe, I've upvoted Monsters, I know Monsters, Monsters are friends of mine. Gabe, Chris Brown is no Monster.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to put "The Ivory Merchant", a tale of forbidden love between two horse-drawn lorry drivers, on hold until next year.
They're Linkedindoctrinating the youth!