
That totally looks like spam but I swear to Jeebus its not. Kathy Beth Terry genuinely seems like a rip off to me.
This seems to be some sort of cheap imitation of singer Rosie Thomas' hysterical alter ego "Sheila Saputo". Watch the shiznak out of this, people:
I wonder if he understands that most cameras can capture sound as well as images, or if he attached his mike to an old walkman recorder and spent several hours trying to edit the audio into the video only to discover that you can't use a cassette in a cd drive.
This is what Ricky Gervais does to walls that are too self-congratulatory.
Me too. My computer screen needs a windshield wiper.
I like art too, admill, but his paintings don't seem that ballin'. Unless he paints like this: Yeah.
So, um, he pays for his pussy with oil paintings of celebrities....
I've been making a lot of half-assed comments lately, so I hate to just state the obvious, but GOOD GRAVY WHY GOD WHY WHY WHY
He's so old that he's older than the joke format I'm using right now.
As a big Gervais fan, I am forced to agree. *lowers "Ricky Gervais is God" sign after holding it above head for several years ; stretches arms*
RAED, the golden globes are over! Guess you'll just have to wait until next year.
Snowbob Snowpants: The Snowsnow
Good King Wenceslas Burger
don't 'pologize for what his eyes do to that space between your thighs
You have bested me in the Black Swan Winter Title-Off
The Black Swan Flies South for the Winter (Is is bad to just flat-out put winter in the title? The Green Hornet Winter! Rubber Winter!)