
excerpt from one of the top-rated comments on this video: "ke$ha said the whole song was to help those gay kids from not suiciding" ... so, i mean.
oh no! something's wrong with mary lynn rajskub!
those is some arrested development-level wordplays, son.
Patrick M can do the reference that makes my heart sing for fucking joy. Gold stars, man.
komondors are fucking trainwrecks of cute.
I'M ON A JERBOAT! (Topical humor! Perfect.)
I've got something to put inside the Boringest Subplot Ever.
what - i - NO! response to kiss the pan! this just doesn't make any sense at all now!
Georgia Will Rule
i signed in just to upvote this. THAT is a movie i would pay to see. (i would not.)
Agreed. We need some kind of I'm-Not-Into-Twitter-Because-It's-Kinda-Annoying support group up in here.
When Harry Pet Sally
I felt really adamant about my comment!
it's pretty surprising, but i spend an inordinate time thinking about Edward Schissorhands. you don't know what it's like, man.
it's pretty surprising, but i spend an inordinate time thinking about Edward Schissorhands. you don't know what it's like, man.
it's pretty surprising, but i spend an inordinate time thinking about Edward Schissorhands. you don't know what it's like, man.
I have not watched this, but I love Jesse Tyler Ferguson in absolutely everything he does. (Which is really not enough.) I'm afraid I'm the only person who remembers The Class, probably because it was not excellent or even necessarily very good, but he was a shining star in that as well. I hope this does better!