
I think he was going to try to buy a vowel.
From the comments I surmise this was supposed to be a video link, but all I see is Brenda Walsh giving me a dirty look. Fuck you too Brenda.
"There are some of us who do not think it is being a Moral Scold to simply suggest that the world could do with a little less sadness/horror/nightmare porno. Things are hard enough out here. They are scary and confusing enough." This is the exact reason I've refused to listen to or watch the video for "Whip My Hair."
A couple of times a year Blue Bell puts out a flavor called "Dos Amigos." It's 50% Mexican chocolate, 50% Mexican vanilla, 100% DELICIOUS.
On the upside she'll be an RA at Oral Roberts University so she won't be bothering thinking people with her rants.
Am I imagining things or was Bobby Brown one of the backup singers?
This is how I feel about Nicolas Cage. He's such a buffoon and cranks out terrible movie after terrible movie, but he's also H.I. McDunnough.
Coincidentally, Carrot Top is scheduled to perform my c-section in a couple of weeks, and Robin Williams has impetigo.
Judy Tenuta helped me pick out a new sink at Home Depot yesterday.
I didn't say there is no such thing as a good jazz song (I actually like jazz..) I'm talking about jazzed-up versions of non-jazz songs, my particular pet peeve being jazzy Christmas songs. All the downvotes in the world will not me back down on this point.
Why do the movie industry powers-that-be keep letting Angelina Jolie do accents???? Who is telling her she's good at accents? I'm going to fix this. Dear Angelina Jolie, You are very bad at doing accents. Please stop. Thank you, Everyone
Personally I find celebrity voices in animated movies to be too distracting and it's a huge pet peeve of mine. I'd rather have no-name actors create unique voices for the characters than have to listen to 90 minutes of Angelina Jolie being a sexy fish.
There is no such thing as a good jazz version of any song.
It's nice of the AT&T store to let John film these videos on his breaktime. TMobile wouldn't let him and Cricket just doesn't have the space.
Awww, I didn't mean to complain. This was excellent and looks like a lot of work. I don't comment enough around here, and when I do it's usually just about my cats, so I shouldn't expect my avatar to show up in the VGum Hall of Fame photo. Keep up the funnies, PStSoap!
I'm not there either. I'll be over here crying into my kibble. :(
Whatevs. You should see my cat do the lambada.
But he's only in it for about 5 minutes total. Also, John Lithgow is listed 3rd (I think) in the credits, but he's in the movie for only about 10 seconds and then the scene awkwardly cuts away right after he says, "But I just got here!" I know, John. You did just get there.
I know we're doing awful holiday movies right now, but I would like to submit an early nomination for the next round of regular WMOAT- Leap Year. Holy hell is this movie awful. It includes every stupid RomCom cliche you can think of, and the 2 main characters are the most miserable, unlikeable characters to ever grace my TV screen (and I've seen every episode of True Blood.)