
I dont hate these, and I hate. boy, do I hate.
I was but one of the two people wearing a catcher in the rye shirt... #PlacesGunToOwnHead
This is what a real life "The Sims" Movie would look and sound like.
Youtube since that's where everyones going to be watching his silly clips
Great now Glenn beck is the equivalent of a crazy man on the street with a cardboard sign that reads "the government put tiny robots under your skin and in your google searches."
I’m not blaming you here, but I you didn’t answer fast enough and then I did it…
I'm not blaming you here, but I you didn't answer fast enough and then I did it...
at least tell us why not?
Having said that, you did find a picture of this psycho killer where he looks quite handsome. Now I have a thing for cannibalistic murders. This is a weird day.
Soft Gabe, Way to go, you brought murder to the blog. Love man uncontrollably vomiting.
Does anyone know what Ke$ha looks like? I mean I know I just looked at her for over 2 mins straight, but I'm still unsure. (file under "Honest Question")
she's adorable, in a fear monger kind of way.
such an accurate gif
I actually think I like this girl. oh excuse me, woman.
Sex Lies and videogames
Is it that movie where Amy smart was able to ruin an entire picture simply by showing up on set during days they were filming?