
Blur: Beetlebum Tea: Liver Disaster
"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"
I completely misread that tweet. I thought they called her a "Coat."
Sponsored comment from Laffy Taffy. The writing this season hasn't been as sharp as the last seasons. The show should be called Downton *sigh* Shabby. Gross, I really should have read through this native advertising contract a bit more thoroughly.
"I tell you what. I'll do you one better, Kev," our source heard Leo say after signing off on the check. "You see. I make it a policy to sleep with everyone I take to dinner." Leo then reportedly locked eyes with Kevin and repeated "Everyone."
This reminds me of that time Cathy led a Minor Threat coverband called Ian Ack-Kaye.
"Hey, Kevin. Didja hear about this guy in Russia who faked his own death as part of an elaborate marriage proposal? Funny, usually guys wait to fake their own deaths AFTER they get married!" -- Jay Leno "Ha! Ha! You right, Jay. You right." -- Kevin Eubanks
I'm torn between someone who has access to and can pilot some sort of interplanetary craft that would be capable of sustaining life for an incredibly long period of time until we can find a Class-M planet where we could build a new human colony OR someone with big boobs.
I watch, read and consume a lot of wacky, wacky shit, but I generally draw the line at fantasy. Anyway, I keep waiting to dip my toe into the Game of Thrones pool, based on all of the buzz. However, that banner pic basically confirms my worst fears.
This joke is only two... IT IS ONLY TWO WEEKS OLD!
If Commenting is Wrong, Then I Don’t Want to be Wright
If Commenting is Wrong, The I Don't Want to be Wright
The Gif of the Magi -- Short stories with twist endings presented in gif form like so: