
all I really needed to see was, "not kid rock" and I'd say, "sign me up, Bronco, let's do this thing."
i've covered my walls and ceiling with paul rudds. that way, if i'm ever distracted away from my computer, i am still looking at paul rudd.
i'm a little disappointed. there were at least three small pictures that i saw with no paul rudd whatsoever.
child krumpers > child actors
why are insiders always such dicks? if someone i knew told tmz i was getting divorced i would probably do my best not to know them anymore.
sorry, eli roth. i am unharmed and not being horribly killed by this earthquake.
side note: phonograph is still in the dictionary, so i call shenanigans on taking cassette players out.
my number one hobby is explaining how books work. fortunately i found someone who clearly had no idea that it is time for books 2.0.
whatever, dictionary 1.0. your dictionary doesn't update via tweets by miriam webster himself (history fact miriam webster is not a person)? why don't you try to call the 21st century on your rotary phone? (seriously though the day i got my first cassette player was the best day of my young life. r.i.p. cassette players.) this is how i do it.
that's what i thought too. i feel like 24 is going to copy this pony scare. "i'm jack bauer. we need to defuse the nuclear bomb in the whitehouse. but all we have are more bombs." "wait. if there's one thing i've learned from being jack bauer's potential love interest that will inevitably betray or die while saving him, it's that you have to fight fire with fire." "good call. all those phds you got from harvard in between supermodeling jobs have finally paid off. we're going to kill that bomb. WITH A BIGGER BOMB." emmy please.
i think we need to have a talk about where babies come from, ian. a stork delivers a watermelon and the baby has to eat it's way out, right?
i think it's significant that the two biggest stars on this season are jeremy london (party of five, ridiculous kidnapping stories) and some guy from the hills (the hills).
vampire king stay the vampire king.