
My work's internet filter blocks your image so I'm assuming it's pretty good.
Jesus Christ, she looks like Jenny McCarthy.
Sooooo, I should NOT be wielding this pitchfork and torch still, or should we just move forward with the angry mob?
It's too bad murdering children doesn't put his character in the running for A NEEEEEW CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!111!!!!!1!
Because the initials WW were in his lab journal, and Walt threw Hank the red herring of declaring it a reference to Walt Whitman.'re saying that Captain Kirk is an exception to grammatical syntax? Why does the phrase "to go" get a pass from this rule? When did "go" un-become a verb?
So how come people always use the "To boldly go" as an example of a split infinitive? Come on, this is important, guys. I just found out I am as ignorant as Kristen Stewart.
Okay, so, how about if she said "I didn't go fuckingly to school?"
Would it have been a true split infinitive if she said she did not go fuckingly to school?
"...didn't go to fucking school?" Perhaps if she had gone to school she would learn not to split her infinitives. OR - did she go to Fucking School?
A++ would watch again very fast seller
Her name is actually Chelsea (not Chloe), but she's still an idiot.
More (most) importantly - what happened to the page with all the Kate Gosselin fan fiction from a few years ago? That was some of my best work.
Jesus, Gabe - if you keep talking about Jesse trying to poison Gus, GUS IS GONNA FIND OUT. YOU DON'T THINK MIKE READS VIDEOGUM?
I hear you, lady - this here infernets is driving me crazy, too.
So when is Gabe's wedding to this scene, and am I invited?
Market saturation!