
guchs the noise I make when someone says swag
Can't wait to be post-op Ted for Halloween this year.
An estimated 60% of NBA players declare bankruptcy less than five years after retiring.
I agree that it is a depiction of childhood for people who haven't been children in a long time, but I think that's just because it is such an honest depiction. Nostalgia isn't a hard feeling to manipulate in a movie, but Anderson's style is what makes it enjoyable.
I'm proud of you and disappointed in you at the same time.
I'm just happy that her name is simply spelled "Megan" without all the bells and whistles.
I bet Christina Hendricks' character in Drive didn't like him very much!!!! Ugh. I'm so tired, you guys.
Wait that's the point right? I thought the reason they were doing all these broad jokes was to point out how "normal" the show could be. I actually missed the very beginning so I was very concerned about the direction the show was going until I figured it out.
He means that if they showed 'Planet of the Apes' as the in-flight movie, the terrorists would have immediately killed themselves.
We didn't even get to the scene written in all Webdings.
It's a rock solid Chet Haze line. I should have put a citation.
Ugh if an email from this guy woke me up at 4 AM, I'd be forced to stab his pee hole with a ski pole.