
I was gonna say Taylor Kitsch and Brooklyn Decker when they were here in Korea for the Battleship premiere, but then I remembered I played Magic the Gathering with the guy who played 'Goob' on Parker Lewis Can't Lose, so probably him.
homeland truly is amazing. i didn't have high hopes for it going in, but it hooked me. the characters are all flawed enough to be deeply relatable and their flaws keep you guessing what their real agenda is. very suspenseful without feeling forced, which is rare. plus it's a good substitute for rubicon, which was sooooooo unfairly cancelled.
YOU relax. you made a promise to louis ck and not including him in the list is a breach of trust. also, you left out the league, teen wolf, boardwalk empire, bored to death, modern family, happy endings, omg i'm a tv nerd, never mind.
ugh. i also love/hate these videos. i did this exact thing last year just before christmas and now every time i see one of these i i remember my daughters' reactions and i fucking kills me. my older daughter did the thing that this kid did, where she just stared at me in disbelief and then finally ran and jumped into my arms, and my younger daughter saw me and straight knocked down 3 kids immediately so she could get to me. the army is tough on families. i've seen mine 3 times in the last 2 years, but we're finally gonna be back together in about a month, so shit like this is really personal to me right now. this has been the hardest holiday season for me, but the goal line is in sight. i know i sound whiny as shit right now, but i figure this is a good time to say thanks to the videogum community. i know i don't comment a lot, but i've been around for a few months and i really like how this is more like a family than just a bunch of trolls and attention whores vying for attention. there's a sense of familiarity here that i have never seen anywhere on the web an i appreciate it. merry christmas to you all, or happy hannukah, or happy holidays or whatever.
i love how high on the list the walking dead is, yet no one stepped up to defend it in the comments. i mean obviously enough people liked it to put it at #6. so i will just say this: i like the walking dead. i agree with a lot of the criticism of it, but i'd still rather watch that than law and order: miami or fringe or something. but i guess haters gonna hate. also, revenge is turning out to be much better than i expected. worth a watch.
who cares about the golden bulbs or whatever. what i'd like to focus on is the amazing literary device that gabe uses in this type of post where he does not use contractions whatsoever. it adds to the feeling of disbelief and discontent and disconsternation that we all must surely feel. i am a very lazy person and i feel very strongly that using contractions should be a cornerstone of all of our (my) lives, but this is just a very good use of not using said contractions. also, for a lazy person, that was a very long comment. i am so proud of myself.
i've had a hard time getting in the christmas spirit this year, but good god damn did that not do it for me.
there are a surprising amount of texan expats on videogum. when i tell people i'm from texas they just make the same dumb joke about everything beiong bigger, because i'm 6'6". what i wouldn't give for a dallas reference or a bush insult. (speaking of which, did anyone see the time magazine interview with bono where he said g dub was the most influential person in where the war on aids or whatever is at right now? that kinda blew me away.)
good thing about being in korea and therefore posting after this thread is long dead is that very few people will read this comment. but i gotta say, i actually lol'ed a few times during this trailer and think that i will probably enjoy this movie.
my kids know jack black because of this episode of yo gabba gabba, and now anytime they see him in anything else they say 'hey, it's jack!!!" all excited like they know him personally. then i look like the bad guy cause i won't let them hang out with jack in tropic thunder. stupid yo gabba gabba.
Just bring a pair with you when you go see Twilight with Kelly, cause you know she's gonna be bawling either during the wedding or the eating of the baby or whatever.
Though to be fair, I've felt at ease in very large grandma glasses since the mid-90's.
You have no idea. And it's not just the ladies. I've been in Korea for a year and I find myself unconsciously chunking the deuce in pictures all the time. It's like an epidemic.
God I hate me some Rick Perry. He ruined my state, no way in Hell do I want him ruining my country. I wanted to make some pithy comment about this video, but every time I see his stupid face I get so riled up I can't think straight. Uggggghhhhhhhh. I rest my case.
I assumed you made that up, but I went and looked and she actually did comment that. I also assumed that this was staged, because no way did Push the Magical Talking Fucking Trashcan just happen to guess that Gary had a ring on him. Now I'm freaked out and there is no way in hell I am ever going to Disney World. HOW DID HE KNOOOOOOWWWWW?!?!?!111/?! (Also, the worst part is going to be explaining to my 3 kids that Daddy won't let them go to Disney World because he's afraid of what the psychic talking trash can is going to make him do/expose that he's done.)
I told him that if I couldn't share our love with the world I would just die. He then used his beautiful words, twistingly and turningly and somehow morphingly to convince me that it was probably a good idea if I did. Die, that is, not tell the world about our love. Sooooooo... thanks for reading my suicide note, I guess? See you all in Hell!
Yeah, I thought having the puppets with roses in their mouths was hilarious until I actually pictured it. Now I can't get that image out of my mind. This is gonna be a dark day.
My parents had He-Man do the stanky leg at my 4th birthday. I still have nightmares about it. (The lap dance fom She-Ra was thoughtful, though.)
I have to say, I actually enjoyed this episode. It still had it's share of ridiculous moments, but it brought some good people vs people dramatic conflict, which is what this show has been missing. It also had some nice character building moments, which is what the comic is all about. I love Gabe's recaps, they really point out a lot of the plain stupidity that has happened this season, but this episode gave me a little hope. Next week is the mid-season finale, and then it's half a season of new writers. I still have hope that this show can get good.
Yeah, that trailer really really made me wan to watch it. 'It' being Battle Royale, man that movie is great. Chock full of horrifying, gory teen deaths.