
French men age so gracefully....what's their secret?
I long for the carefree days when this wasn't so true!
Wait...what if swings ARE the Inbetween...??? It's making sense now!
Whatever, anyone who follows 1980's competitive quickdraw knows that Ernie Hill is like, WAY least according to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED (?!?): Ernie Hill, 33, of Litchfield Park, Ariz., is in fact the world-record holder for fast draw, with a time of .208 of a second, squeezed off in 1982 in Fort Worth. He is apoplectic in his criticism of Munden: "None of his claims are true. He was never the world champ at anything."
"Well well well, Scraps is a boy dog, isn't he?" SOPHOMORES WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
At least Sophomores know how to EDIT! IN YER FACE, OLD CHICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From IMDb's "Memorable quotes for Growing Pains": Richard 'Boner' Stabone: Mike, a voice just came out of the radiator and it sounded a lot like God [referring to handyman working in the basement] Mike: No, Boner, that's Jimmy Richard 'Boner' Stabone: You call Him Jimmy? Richard 'Boner' Stabone: [later] [walks downstairs angrily] Richard 'Boner' Stabone: Okay, what in the name of Jimmy is going on down here?
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Didn't realize this had already been written My apologies to sharktamer and the rest of the Internet. Also, I am a computer.