
I'm just chilling, scrolling scrolling til I see Mondo. Hey Mondo! Looking sharp, looking sharp...down the shirt, hit the belt, still good. No problems here, sir...scrolling, scrolling....WHOA GUY THIGH, GUY THIGH! BABY GUY THIGH! That said, I do love Mondo. From the middle of his baby guy thigh up.
I first saw this movie when I was thirteen, and my whole life goal after that was to BE A HACKER. Unfortunately, there were no books in the library about hacker career choices so I eventually went back to just playing Star Wars simulations games in AOL chat rooms. Further unfortunately, I was even kicked out of those games because my sister kept picking up the phone and disrupting the sim. Ah, junior high. Cue the Charlie Brown music (but techno it up because deep down inside, I still want to hack the world, too.)
Yeah, sorry about that. It's my friend's old blog (I just liked the name.) The pseudonymity of videogum is too delicious to pass up. I also like to imagine that everyone's avatar is a real life picture. Mmm. Huckabeast.
That's superkind, dude. Thanks!
Aw, thanks for the sympathygum. It's okay, really. I rewrote the whole damn thing and added vampires and werewolves and pogs and Demi Lovato so I should be rolling in dough any minute now.
Here's kind of a funny story: I write books for a living. I wrote one for which I was incredibly excited and an editor took it on, saying, "You should read ITS KIND OF A FUNNY STORY" because this sounds exactly like that book. So I read it and, funny story, my book was almost exactly like ITS KIND OF A FUNNY STORY. So, ha ha, after three years of painstakingly writing said book, I threw it out because it was already a bestseller written by someone else. That said, I will see this movie. Because I am currently unemployed and have nothing better to do.
Guys, this totally Wingardeum Leviosaed my spirits.
And once this Grace was beguiling my 'net surfing scowl to smiling, By the smug and folded arm decorum of the striped .jpgs he wore, "Though thy career be quiet, unshaken," I said, "and the .gifs of you are ravin'. Sad and proud, your face is staring at me from my gummy haven - Tell me when Gabe will detail your weekly exploits, I implore!" Quoth the Topher, `Nevermore.'
Gabe be with you 'til we meet again.
No no. Forget it. I just looked up the pronunciation of his name and I realize I've been saying it wrong for 14 years. Forget it. Move on.
Man, I played MOONWALKER when I was six. It was on the birthday party level of Golfland (the one with all the free games)...but since they were all free, only two of them weren't broken: Moonwalker and Qbert. I was six, so I had no idea how to play Qbert and I remember even then, playing Michael Jackson and watching him do an 8bit dance to save the children and I thought to myself, "This is a little messed up." And I was six.
Someone set us up the Buttercup.
I really want to post something relevant but I CAN'T. Because I've been dying to tell you guys this: My hub and I were driving home yesterday. I was talking to my sister on the phone and we just so happened to pass a guy on a motorized wheelchair with a giant parrot on his shoulder. "Check that out," husband says. "Yeah, cool," says I. Anyways, sister..." "That guy's wearing a parrot." "I know, honey. That's great. So, as I was saying, sister..." "WIFE! IT'S A BIRD!" "I KNOW it's a bird, I'm on the phone!" I just had to tell someone and you guys were the logical choice.
I feel the same way, football puppy. Hug on the 40 yard line.
I had one of those! But his class got canceled halfway through the semester and he ended up trying to teach lectures on various benches around the common.
The last time I ever went to a Blockbuster, I rented like eight super girly movies. The Comic-Book-Guy at the counter said it was the worst selection ever, so I told him it was because my husband was away at Army and I was super sad about it. He said he was once in Army and charged me a total of $0.54 for my entire load. Plus free sympathy junior mints. A week later, it was out of business. And that's why you always leave a note. Wait what? Where was I going with this?
Is Gabe at a funeral? Birth family and beaches sounds like a funeral. Sympathygum.
That does not look like Donald Glover at all.
This has been at for YEARS.
Wilford Brimley looked sadly over Beau's shoulder, wishing that his diabetes wouldn't keep him from wearing such a sweet shirt. (note: shirt is not sweet and Brimley actually wishes Polanski rots like a cavity in hell.)
It just needed more puppets.
Happy Monster's Day! I hope you all woke your monster up early and made them breakfast in bed.
RIP, SSS. I hate the irony of the Sonics moving to Sonic's restaurant headquarters. Damn you, Oklahoma and your delicious tot-flavored air!
I had Detlef Schrempf's trading card in my trapper keeper surrounded by Lisa Frank heart stickers all throughout junior high. Parks and Rec left me feeling 13 and breathless.
That's the first question we always ask at passovergum.
Ellen DeGeneres has acheived perfect caffination.
For serious, man. Laugh out loud.
(I want to upvote this for days.)
Please place some distance between you and the velocipede.
Are you aware of what happens, Larry? When you attempt to make love to someone with whom you aren't familiar? Are you aware of it at all, Larry?
Remember that scene in Star Wars where Darth Vader's a little hologram in front of the Emperor and he says "As you wish" and then gets pushed down the hill by the princess who promised to give him the show five years ago? THAT'S virtually confirmed.
I want to see Aziz Ansari do BIIIIIIIIIIIIIDEEEEN(Y).
I was totally reading that until he said "Old Dogs vs. Newsies" and then I was like "what, Newsies what?" and then I was like "open the gates and seize the Christian Bale" and then I was like "Ah, those were the hot Christian Bale days before he got a throat/cheese grater fight" and then I was like "what, cheese grater what?" and then I went and made myself a quesadilla. So, yeah. I agree.
You can actually hear her getting a hysterectomy.