
I enjoyed it. There was only so much they could explain, and I'm fine with them not explaining most of it. The questions were part of what was so interesting about the show. RIP Lost.
I really enjoyed Locke's method of getting some alone time with Ben. "Go over there, Ricardo, us big boys us are talking."
May 23rd wondergrrl. Which also happens to be my 21st. To watch the 2 and half hour series finale wasted or not, that is the question.
"I wish you'd believed me" *facepalm*
Betty White seems like she would be horrible to her grandchildren.
Did he just eye-jab someone wearing a helmet?
monsters so touchy about abortion jokes
Amy Poehler needs to lose some weight.
I think the vhs tape cut off prematurely. The line was supposed to be "I am a super woman. I will destroy you."
I love mayo as much as this guy
The Plague from Hackers really made this episode for me.
I was going to be "funny" and ask where the puppets were. Then there was a puppet.