
The description of what the people involved actually did smells like padded resume to me. Like, someone with too much money and bad advisors called all these people, outlined his ideas, and they decided to cash his checks. Jail might be too strong. Maybe shameless parole? They probably all paid way too much for their Brentwood mansions and they would sell if they could just get the mortgage down to something less than what the place is worth now. Hell, the script supervisor probably enjoyed sending his unvarnished thoughts out without regard for politics.
What's Malcolm Gladwell doing in there giving tips on sales?
That was my first thought, too. I smell a Cleo. (smells like Axe and nail polish)
videogum movie club in san antonio/austin?
I'm a little curious about what the oldest one's version of "My Girls" would sound like.
oh, it's going to be stem cells and we're all going to cancel our NBC subscriptions
On the same day I was watching these clips I found this: So that's a thing that's happening.