
Ooooh, Chimpanzee That! MONKEY NEWS! Ooooh, Chimpanzee That! He's written it down!
Finding Bug's 2 Toy Cars Up Ratatouill-E's Incredible Monster starring John Ratzenberger
Horton Hears An Almighty Dan In the Little Miss 40 Year Old Virgin starring Steve Carell
The Brave Little Accused Taxi Driver Panic Room Of the Lambs starring Jodie Foster
Nemo Will Be Found
Pan Has A Labyrinth The Right Thing Will Be Done
The Dead Will Rise At Dawn
The all new reality show from Fox. "When Grandmas Attack"
OMG those are amazing!! LOL I tried to make gifs out of that video but it seemed to be too much for the site to handle. This makes me want to chicken dance across the stage. Well done!
I worked with a woman who believed all this junk. She gave me a 20 minute lecture about ancient Sumerian mythology and planet x and nibiru. She's also convinced there is a civilization on Mars based on photos from the Mars Rover of rocks with flat sides. Those crazy Martians and their compulsive rock cutting tendencies.
In that case I agree 100% instead of just 90%
I agree. She's obviously been inspired by those people, I just wish her music matched her videos/outfits. I'd be way more into it if the music was discordant, different, out-there like her persona. She's trying to be the next Madonna. Manson.. sure she can be scary. But she hasn't earned the Björk comparison yet.
secret chat was made secret again. i experienced some premature ejection. it was fun while it lasted.
I hate that whole anti-vaccination thing started by Jenny McCarthy. It's so much bullshit pseudoscience. There was a great article about the whole "if it doesn't feel right, it's not healing me" movement that Oprah is to blame for. So good.
Seriously. There is too much going on to keep up with... I'm not on the twitter and can barely follow chat room conversations. I can no longer call myself a monster. More like half human, half monster.. A chimera? All the people who've kept up with this new stuff, do you also have the internet surgically implanted in your brain so you can just constantly be checking lolcats and buzzchan? Do you even speak human language anymore.. why do things change so quickly.
"Hey Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, get over here, I've got a bank for you to rob."
Bat barf all over the place. I can't imagine how they'd get Calvin or Hobbes' voice right. I only have a vague idea of what they sound like in my head but no matter who they'd cast, it'd be wrong. Also, BOINK to your ZAP.
"I prefer clockwise, but it's not written in stone." - Henry Wrinkler