
I GASPED out loud when Finn lost his arm. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. And the episode where he gets his arm back was so well done.
First PSH and now this?!? I can't take all this sadness at once! It's too much! Too much!!!!
I think Gwyneth was always mostly Gabe's obsession. Kelly's is clearly scary/gross spider videos.
It really is feast or famine out there in the theaters. Eat up while you still can, film lovers.
2013 for me has been the year of my crushes on Jake Johnson, Richard Ayoade (I'm at least 5 years behind on this one) and Oscar Isaac, in no particular order (actually, in temporal order of commencement of obsession)
And YET, he's also not interested:
Their children must be thrilled that after hearing about all the women their father slept with, they also now get to hear about all the men their mom slept with
One of my favorite parts of the Jebediah Atkinson bit was Seth's giggling throughout
Sincerely thought this might happen during Chris O'Dowd's scene based upon the conversation:
Or go back to being a (sexy) serial killer, however wrong it may seem to be attracted to a serial killer
I have watched it, but I would say the stone-cold fox on that show is Jamie Dornan. Stone-cold foxes all around! That is a good looking cast.
I have been unable to bring myself to watch because I am concerned that I will have to cringe my way through the entire episode.
Jenny, I want to sit at that table in the videogum lunchroom. All three are my very favorites and I think we could be best friends. That is, until I fight you to the death for Ayoade as my boyfriend. (Brits before chicks?)