
Oh man, I saw this movie on VHS when I was a baby gay and I remember finding that scene particularly, uh, fascinating.
I'm 17 and though LITERALLY all my friends have tattoos/want to have tattoos as soon as they get out of the house (MOOOOOOM) I feel the exact same way as Kelly. There isn't one thing I can think of that I want permanently on my body forever. Even when I give myself Sharpie tattoos by the second morning I am already so sick of it and I hate it. Like what even is this shit "Hurh hurh I have a paint color on my wrist WHY DID I DO THIS WHY DOESN'T SHARPIE WASH OFF."
Naw, I actually just turned 17 in February, but that won't stop me from pretending I'm an adult! *struts around town* (I actually just had to check and remember if I was 16 or 17. I am 17. I start senior year in the fall. RIP baby Napoleon.)
Oh man, I watched this for some reason in middle school. I remember being mesmerized by SJP's butt on the cover. That's about it.
"DELETERIOUS." I love you, grapeape. Come here, puppy. Let me snuggle your vocabularious brains.
SERIOUSLY. Sofia Coppola movies and Tumblr both have the qualities of depicting pretty things that I achingly want and making me confront their total utter MEANINGLESSNESS, and throwing me into a tailspin of What Is The Point. Seriously, what is the point?
Yeah, it's pretty gross. It's so transparent in its "Teehee kissing girls is hawt, right boys? But don't worry, I'm definitely not gay I have a BOYFRIEND which I will keep REMINDING YOU OF so you don't go THINKING I'M A LESBO."
EVERYONE knows that straight white people are the REAL black people in this country.
I love you, itsahotdog.
It's true! I don't even know what happened. Oh right, my mom made me install self-control add-ons on my browser so I could spend more time doing work and less time Videogumming, that's what happened. Luckily, school is almost done and I can then spend all day erryday 'Gumming it up.
"....................No." - Stevebert Hawkstein.
"I'm just a kid who wakes up like eveyone else and puts on clothes, like a hoodie and jeans and some fresh kicks" -Justin Bieber "I am a human boy of meat and bones. I am not an alien. I like shoes like other human adolescent boys. I am not an alien." - Justin Bieber
What's so great about the banana argument is that BANANAS HAVE BEEN GENETICALLY ENGINEERED TO MAKE THEM EDIBLE. This is what a natural, God-given banana looks like "And on the third day, God made the banana, and he saw it was hard and full of pebbly seeds, and it was good."
"What the hell are you people jabbering about? Get off my lawn!" - Someone, I Dunno
Eeee! Congrats, Son Of Gabe. I'm just a TEENY BIT jealous of you stealing my young queer thunder (no one on Videogum is allowed to be more precocious than me NO ONE.) But for realzies that is so great. I came out to my mom last summer and it was the happiest day of my life, no joke. I cried tears of joy. It was while watching Dirty Dancing. Good times. It's amazing how it feels like a giant weight's been lifted you didn't even know was that heavy. And now it's gone!
Nnnnnnn that beard. Gabe, I think you may have met your beardy match.
Woooooooooooof. Depression flare-up, and this is the one thing I decide to read on Videogum today? If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna be on the floor in the fetal position.
You are SUCH a handsome cat, Mr. Kitty! Look at you! Come here, my little gentleman. I will snuggle your face.
I would SO download a car! Pretty much anything. What about food? Can I download drugs?
My family clung to the last vestiges of that era like a spider monkey (didn't get rid of our dial-up service till 2008) so well I remember leaving YouTube videos to load overnight and watch in the morning. "Are you sure this video is HILARIOUS? Because if I load this and spend my precious time and this turns out to be anything less than fucking hilarious I will have your soul why do I have dialup."
That scene has a lot to say about life, but I can't articulate it.
Omg what a great game! Thanks, Becca. Cuuuuuuuteeeeee
Ugh, James Franco, what a cheap move. You put on a wet t-shirt just to try and convince me to stay? Well I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT THIS TIME, BUDDY. You have betrayed my trust for the last time. No more I love yous.
What I don't understand is why the cameraperson isn't smooching this cats pink nosey? Like... it's right there.
I wish someone would make a trailer with O Fortuna in the background and a montage of what everyone will actually be doing that day: driving to Wawa, picking their noses, eating some Mexican food, looking at YouTube... DUNH. DUNADUNH. DUNH DUNH DUNH.KITTY CATS. DUNH. DUNADUNH.
Gahhhhh I just got it. BOO. But also it makes me sad because even though that's not the point of the joke it was pretty transmisogynistic :-(
It's Friday night and I'm in a terrible goddamn fucking mood and I haven't been around in a while but can I just ask that we cool it with the fucking gifs? Too many gifs. Just... sometimes .gifs are necessary/add to the convo, but a lot of the time they just take up space. I propose that next time you want to post a gif, ask yourself "Is this really necessary? Has this been said already in this thread?" if the answers are yes and no respectively, then don't post it. Thank you. #grumpynapoleon
*standing ovation*
Oh my god SHUT UP UGH THIS MAN.* *Always my response to Prince gifs, as long as he continues to confuse me by being, improbably, sexy.
This could be dialogue from a modern-day Blue Velvet, no lie.
Only ONE man-on-man kiss??? EXCUSE ME.
"Al For Today" = Al Roker's talk show in his head.
Whoops, gonna go cry in my bed for the rest of the day.
Oh, do! It looks hella intimidating, but it's such an enjoyable read it's not hard work at all. Or at least, the work you have to do is enjoyable and it doesn't feel like some monster task you have to complete.