
Well - that, and a girl who makes a good 'bitch face'.
Wait... THAT is the kid from Road to Perdition? The one whose eyes gave me the creeps? Excuse me while I facebook-friend every weirdo guy from high school.
Maybe it's due to one too many creepy Easter Bunnies in my lifetime, but that bunny video is slightly horrifying. Must. Now. Click. Puppy. Wakeup.
I know, I know... I actually thought about that while typing. But my first thought was "Jim!" so I went with my gut.
Are you SURE they're at a basketball game and not just avoiding eye contact at a Chet Haze show?
I'm way too distracted on how much he looks like Jim from The Office to caption. (In fact, I'm still eyeing the pic suspiciously)
I wanted to make a comparison to this & some type of nightmare teabagging joke, but I'm sobbing too hard to think clearly.
It was adorable until that little bitch tried to step on him. WTF.
Jersey Shore: Rum flavored ice cream with Meatballs & Steroids. Sprinkled with just enough parmesan cheese to smell of feet.
What To Wear When Signing A Prenup
What's the over/under on the number of times he has watched Edward Scissorhands in his lifetime?
For what it's worth, I would drink the shit out of that wine.
All I could focus on was that they used WAY too much shampoo on Benny.
This actually brought out the exact same terror I have whenever I see the older sister in Pet Sematary.
In her defense, dealing with a hurricane for a couple days seems like nothing when you've been a walking trainwreck for 10 years
(If I could thumbs-down myself, I would) #nicetryNik