
I'm just happy there's a Gossip Girl post on Videogum again. Gossip Girl recaps: NEVER FORGET.
This post is a gold mine! Full of possibly unpopular opinions I agree with! Ok, two of them. And both of them involve Gossip Girl. So this means I have *opinions* about *Gossip Girl*. Gross, self.
THANK you, I sometimes feel kind of alone in hating that stupid face. Look at it!
I think maybe we just see things differently here, because the last thing I took from this movie is that this guy has a great life. I don't know.
Late comment is late, but had to mention I completely agree with you right down to Virgin Suicides being one of my favorite books ever. I like movies where nothing happens, sue me. I like long, quiet scenes, I enjoy the absence of a plot to follow. I like Sofia's style of making film be pretty much just about the images, the very pretty images, instead of Things Happening. That says a lot about me, I know, and I understand hating that stuff, but... I'm a Sofia Coppola fan. Sorry, Videogum. I like watching paint dry.
I really really really really enjoyed this movie. Part of it might be that I wanna be Magneto when I grow up, but I had a fun time watching it, would wanna watch it again, and that's all I demand from this type of film. It had all the problems big Hollywood blockbuster movies have, but I thought it was stylish and fun and didn't take itself too seriously. First Class is fine by me.
I'm so proud of my hometown for being featured in this RAD trailer. Did you see the Redeemer statue, YOU GUYS? Go Team Rio. Consider coming to Rio for your next vampire honeymoon. (FUN STORY: they closed down streets to film that bit where they're dancing, except people live in those streets. Everyone who was out before they closed the perimeter wasn't allowed to go back home later. They were forced to just hang around unless they had a document proving they lived there. People resorted to the only reasonable road of action in a situation like this: THEY STARTED SETTING SHIT ON FIRE. Consider coming to Rio for your next setting shit on fire vacation.)
I derive all my knowledge from books I have actually read (I COULDN'T LOOK AWAY, IT WAS LIKE WATCHING TWO TRAINS COLLIDING WHILE AN ATOMIC BOMB FALLS RIGHT ON TOP OF THAT COLLISION AND THEN THE WHOLE THING IS WASHED AWAY BY A TSUNAMI, OKAY), and I can confirm this is true: Bella has been wanting some of that since she first set her eyes on that pasty walking vampire corpse, but Edward is supposed to be the perfect boyfriend to a 14 yo girl and was always like, no, no sex, I don't want to take away your purity and make you go to hell like I am going to hell, because killing a bunch of people like I did has the same weight as having premarital sex when God decides who goes to hell.
Seriously, and I understand and relate to some of the issues being brought up and all, so I don't want to minimize anyone's troubles, but if you can't see the hilarity of this situation you may need a sense of humour check. I mean, they're ANIMATED GIFS! And there's a whole srs bsns debate going on over them! ANIMATED GIFS! Internet, thank you for being hilarious.
I work at the house that publishes Sherlock Holmes in my country, so I hear the name "Sherlock" a lot during my work days and am always disappointed when Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have nothing to do with whatever is being said. #coolstorysis
Paul McGann actually has a SURPRISING amount of fans, if you would believe it.
But the BBC is not to blame for that! So they're still on the all-win column, I think.
I have never been this happy to live in the jungles of the Southern Hemisphere!
Your avatar has a puppy in it, the Videogum community had no choice but to welcome you. A few trying downvoting, but the puppy was staring at them, and they just couldn't. They couldn't!
You don't need no effort to get them upvotes here, just bring out Hendricks and BOOM! Ugh, not that kind of boom. What you do in your room is your own business. OH BARFS I'M GROSSING MYSELF OUT BYE.
Thank you so much for summing up why Wes Anderson's white people problems are so many leagues ahead of all these other white people problem's! I think it also helps that his characters are so out there, and his world is so out there, you* don't really get offended that these rich people are whining, because you don't directly relate them to the white rich people who make your own life** hell every day. It also has to do with what you said, though, the magic of making us CARE about the feelings of the rich, white, and whiny. He makes us see they have feelings, too! But not obnoxiously! They go to India on journeys of self-discovery and are maybe too white about it, but they're doing that for themselves, not because someone had a salad, you know? And then a great song plays and the credits roll. I LOVE WES ANDERSON, TOO. * - "you". I say "you", but maybe "you" reading this do really get offended. That's a right you have. Get offended away. I meant "us", members of the WE LOVE WES ANDERSON club. Lots of red and blue. ** - my own
i did read this, and appreciate your appreciation.