Love you guyyyyyyyys
Back at work, it is literally the worst. Let's figure out a way to retire this year, guys.
The family actually racked up a $10,000 bill, so the tip was pretty skimpy.
You just got a "log-in just to up-vote" from me!
This will be followed by Hoku's "Perfect Day."
I agree, and the narrative themes aren't even the thing that really bothers me so much. It's the fact that he's directed the same movie 7 times. Look at the first 7 films of Godard's or Altman's career. You actually see development and maturation of style. Wes shoots everything the same way and directs his actors to deliver lines in one very particular way. I guess the only thing that's changed in Wes' movies is that not every one ends in a slow motion scene set to a rock song anymore. I really need a tshirt that says "I went to grad school for film studies and all I got was this ability to be really annoying about auteur theory on blogs."
Nope that's what I meant. Like when the one kid dies when they're saving them from the river and one of the brothers (I forget which; I've avoided that movie since I first saw it) shouts "I lost mine" as if the kid was an object.
"Vaguely racist" is missing from the Darjeeling color palette. RANT TIME! It's nice to see something that varies between WA's films, though these palettes don't even seem drastically different to me. I was so angry after seeing Moonrise Kingdom last week, as he's basically made the same movie 7 times and yet people still give him a pass. Like, even Michael Bay's movies have more diversity in tone and style/feel than Wes Anderson. I've had enough of quirky yet damaged white people who have issues with authority/their parents. Also, I wanted to slap half the audience last week, as they were all laughing at things that weren't even supposed to be funny but were those "Wes Anderson moments". It was like self-congratulatory laughter like "we get you, Wes." That said, I still do love Fantastic Mr Fox. I would just love to see Wes Anderson do something different. Sorry, that rant's been building up for a week now.
The Rapture - "House of Jealous Lovers" It's 2002, right?
Swimfan is pretty bad, but I agree, blonde wife is the worst. I really wanted Amber and Politician to hook up just to spite her. I also have high hopes for Swimfan and Joel's Newly Obtained Grown Child.
At least Carmel is more transparent about its connection to Satan
Josh Hutcherson and Daniel Radcliffe should star in like a bro-comedy where they get into some shenanigans, they learn, they love, they grow. Except not physically. The camera pans out in the last few seconds and you realize they're both tiny. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. $150M budget. Opens August 4, 2013.
He's STILL waiting for his growth spurt.
Can we talk about how terrible the CGI was? Like, when the tracker jacker nest explodes, I thought I was watching a 1989 WonderWorks for PBS production.
Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the bisexual tree.
Good job to the winning sports teams. Teamwork and sportsmanship won out over all. I'm going to bed.
Her husband is a Human Millepied, so she's used to it.