
I only watched this so my sisters and I could make silly hats out stuff around my house and wear them, and also make up ridiculous titles for ourselves. I used a gold scarf to tie a stuffed peacock to a broad brimmed sparkly beach hat, and one sister wore a stuffed fish, the other a stuffed crab on a hat with flowers stuck all around. It was The Best.
Hey, I need you guys' help solving an UNSOLVEABLE MYSTERY. Can anyone tell me who this actor is? I am so bad at recognizing people/ knowing their names in the first place. I figured if there was one place on the web where someone would know who he is, it would be here.
That whole site is like Christian fan fiction.
God hates overachievers.
Please tell me that's not a real thing.
One must pass through the burning, cracking asphalt of the Parking Lot, then wade waist deep through the despair-filled swamp of the Cleaning Products Aisle until one comes to the dark gate of the Snack Food Section guarded heavily by men in football jerseys and whining orc-children with their overworked mothers. Even then to open the dread bag of Mordoritos is to release the dread specter of secret nacho seasoning into the very air around you. And god forbid you dip them in Sauron Cream.
It is for a cat. Boxes are totes caves for monsters too.
Good thing he didn't fall prey to the spicy cheddar machinations of Mordoritos.
Whoops, should have read this first before posting. I knew a Heather Hughes in high school, but after minutes of staring at her I still have no idea if I know this one.
I knew a Heather Hughes in high school. I spent a lot time staring at her, trying to figure out if I know her. I still have no idea.
I never really got on the Betty White bandwagon because I actually think she's pretty cool instead of ironic cool. Lady hasn't aged in like twenty years!
Gimme a break, I've been attacked by a dozen different vicious chickens and they have ripped the skin from my flesh and they weren't even this 'terrifying' or traumatic.
Yes! She's my little puppy. She comes when she's called and she follows me around the yard.
I didn't feel bad until this. :(
AH! All the pets are so cute. Here's my mascot, Zuzy. And Poppy
Wow, this seems formulated to be the absolute most awful viewing experience possible. Why would I want to expose myself to that much stress for 'entertainment'? Yeesh.
I feel, as a Christian, it's important to support the lifestyles of the rich and famous and finacially inept. If we don't help them live their lavish lifestyles, who will? -Some Bewildered Christian Personally, if I'd ever made 2 million dollars even just one year in my life I'd be all set forever. -Me
Whoever owns this must spend so much money on things to destroy in one hack.... Also, what a hideous waste of real animals lives and food for real people.