
in her defense, at least self-potato seemed immediately aware of how stupid (but AWESOME!) her answer was. this is just... uh.... stupid.
chick-fil-a just opened in chicago. as a southern person, i was very happy, but i didn't cry. because i'm a man.
a rare near miss from Jay Leno. so rare, so near.
Wet Hot American Summer (that was EASY)
Pretty sure that if Bon Iver had made more references to fucking white girls on his new album, Pitchfork would have knocked him up to that 10.0. Maybe.
as someone from Tennessee, this fills my Volunteer heart with pride. said heart is also clogged by eating too much bbq pork shoulder.
is it wrong to assume he spent all of the budget on location or drugs or something? because it definitely wasn't the lighting. yikes.
roger ailes is an uncredited producer. (also, damnit)
Title: Obama Bin Laid'in Locations: A cave in Pakistan, mansion in Abbottabad
this was great, and while it's sad that this is still an issue, seeing this quote yesterday made me kind of happy (via the internet) "We're losing on that one, especially among the 20- and 30-somethings: 65 to 70 percent of them favor same-sex marriage. I don't know if that's going to change with a little more age — demographers would say probably not. We've probably lost that. I don't want to be extremist here, but I think we need to start calculating where we are in the culture." —Jim Daly, president of the far-right social issues group Focus on the Family, on marriage equality.
I'm just going to assume this deserves an upvote. some of us have work to be pretending to to!
Step Brothers 2 is Fred Phelps' worst nightmare. (i'm not sure that makes sense)
as much as this might perpetuate a negative stereotype of Americans, you have to admit it does look KIND of fun. okay, really fun.
The best part of Puppy Cam (besides EVERYTHING!) is that this is only the beginning. We get weeks of them getting bigger and awesomer and cuter and playfuler. Happy day, indeed.
remember when John Hodgman used to be in Apple ads? I mean, those were a little annoying (thanks, Justin Long), but this just seemed a little sloppy and unprofessional.
I assumed they were simply forced to move the office to Wales.
True story: Two nights ago I got a virus and spent many hours on the floor of my bathroom. It was awful. This song was worse.
"and I thought my parents were abusive!" -christina crawford (wrote Mommie Dearest. if you know that, you're smarter than me, because I had to look it up. also, child abuse is never funny. sorry)
Watching this may have broken my brain. Sorry, remaining hours of "billable" work!
I'm worried that Sleepy Brown is next, guys. (Is Sleepy Brown still alive? I hope so.)
This has bummed me the fuck out (and I spent the entire day really excited about a concert. Like dancing around my office.) Anyways, the best we can do is step away from this determined to be better people and rise above this ignorant hatefulness. We may not be able to change how narrow-minded, angry, scared people think or behave, but we can do our best to be better people and make some positive impact on the world where they can't. Maybe something will rub off. (that's my motivational speech for the day. but mostly said for my own benefit. shit that's fucking depressing)
"oh hey! there's some lint in there. Interesting AND productive!"
just to be sure, can someone get Whoopi here to describe the difference between "fake" and "fake fake"
Would some one help "get me" through this!?! (sorry, that is terrible, but I really like that song)
"if feel the pain" of this interview!
This appears to be Mexico's answer to Williamsburg. Pool party!
I just want to up vote this entire thread. way to go, monsters. way to go.
PUPPY BOWL SUNDAY!!! Pizza party for the pups.
I vote pro-Satan.
Shell, I think your expectations for rational thinking are set a bit high in her case. Keep in mind how she got here in the first place.
My aunt used to teach here, and it's really just one of the worst schools in a city full of major problems. This just makes me sad. Institutional something-or-other.
Bad Human Being it's non-sequel but sort of sequel Bad Human Being: Port of Call
Finally my obsession with Lost had some meaningful payoff.
Guns are all pointed at the ground, should really be at whoever thought this was a good idea
I keep watching and keep laughing. You, sir, have earned that downvote. Respect.
I don't hate this movie, but I do hate the fact that Hugh Grant's role was clearly written for someone older (he's supposed to be Emma T's older brother and there are multiple mentions of how old he is) and no one bothered to make some very basic script revisions. Get it together, England.
should they... STEP UP 2: THE STREETS!?!
Chicago Monsters can attest that is is pretty standard for the WGN morning news. Professionalism isn't their number one attribute, but they're fun to watch.