GIFSoup scrambled eggs all over my face... what is a boy to do?
How can you remember this? I spent five minutes the other day trying to remember what kind of car I had in high school. Oh man... Medical marijuana = NOT REAL MEDICINE.
This person, from the old movie The Hucksters (1947?) -
strikes and gutters, man. thanks monsters!
holy smokes. i guess, in an era in which Taco Bell is the only restaurant, drastic measures have to be taken in the restroom.
I just had 3 shells installed in my bathroom ala Demolition Man they look great .. but.. fucking three shells, how does it work?
no regrets
as long as i alternate blue/pink thumbs, it's letting me vote infinite times
Definitely keeping the pooch and commencing my Jameson transfusion shortly. What's strange is that I can tell all of this to you guys now but I'm still too blubbery and weird to let my non-interwebs friends know. Anyway, called in sick for the rest of the week and probably going to get all 'Jason Segel in Hawaii' for a little bit, but I'll live. Just me and this guy now. And so it goes.
Thanks gang, seriously. I'm going to get back to eating pizza in my underwear and shopping for motorcycles on Craigslist now. FML.
Spoiler Alert: You will meet a girl, fall in lover with her, move in with her, get a dog, live together for three years, plan on marrying her and then she will inexplicably dump you on August 23rd. I wish I would have gotten that fucking spoiler alert. #bittergum
I hate these, like, meta-commercials - last week it was Breyer's and this week Suave. That makes two consecutive weeks I've been tricked into stopping my commercial fast-forwarding because goddamn scenery similarities. When is it going to stop/how can I express my anger? I'm going to remember these products the way I remember chlamydia and cooking bacon without a shirt on (bad things) and avoid them* from now on! * Full disclosure: I steal my girlfriend's Aveda in the shower and I'm lactose intolerant BUT STILL
The name "Melodi" confirms the meth theory.
That reminds me, I think I have a couple Vicodin rattling around in my medicine cabinet. Rad. This is the second useful thing that Entourage has done for me, the first was providing an effective douchebag detector, ala, "Hey, brah, did you see Entourage last week? (brah?)"
Nothing really says "bro-ing down" like chugging Scotch, going out to a semi-romantic dinner, blacking out, slapping some steak around, watching Godzilla and picking up some whores. Going out for a couple IPAs with the guys I work with seems so lame now because Draper.
Well, there's no denying it now. I no longer possess any connection to this world. Shuffle me out of this mortal coil, Beiber.
Titanic 2: I Could Give Two Ships
Titanic 2, the terrible movie, pounding the legacy of the actual Titanic (?) Wiseau serious?
Rule 11, tell the woman that you are the guy from INXS, not Tommy Wiseau, so you have a chance.
He's not paying her for sex, he's paying her to leave after sex. That's the primary practical advantage of hookers. I heard.
face? i thought it was a spray-painted baseball mitt
I think old Simon here might have a couple emergency Cinnabons stashed under his t-shirt. No wonder he looks so content.
Aw, come on guys. If you were rocking some rad J Lo shades like old Piv over here, you would be too nervous to bend over a toilet to retrieve your phone too.
*Interaction among members of same age group strongly and inexplicably discouraged.
hole in the ocean you say? these dudes are fixing it & trying to make a dove-tail joint (yeah)
The worst part for me is that it requires you to suspend disbelief to the extent that you are willing to accept that Jack Black can do a fucking CARTWHEEL.