
They cropped out the bottom of the photo that showed them touching tips.
Mr. Goodbar with the Taquito in the Employee restroom. The coffee saw it all happen but his Amish upbringing really added a thrilling twist.
I think you mean the PumKing of HoliDance Cheer.
Three things learned in this trailer: 1) Nobody owns Busta Rhymes 2) Armand Assante has failed. At Everything. 3) Busta Rhymes will steal your fucking baby.
Nothing says "The Holidays" like cold fingers and metal being jammed into you.
Channukah=caring, well being and Pap "Schmears". Christmas=stress, in-fighting and Xbox 360's. I know I'm being redundant but when you lay it out logically it really puts it in perspective.
Well let's do the math here. Her son is 18, she was 20 when she had him. That makes her 38. 25 years ago she was 13. 2009-25=1984. I think scientifically this clears her for a shot at a Roman Polanski "Rape/rape-rape" joke. Case closed.