
You just built a bridge from punk rock to the Hipster Death Star (Urban Outfitters).
Isn't it the institution of marriage that's fucked up? Worth protectiing? I mean, you KNOW this girl is going to grow up and have a couple/few marriages of her own. If marriage is a "covenant with God," what's the SECOND marraige, and the third?
I was wondering several episodes again why Tyrion hadn't commissioned the Building of the Chain, and was half afraid it'd just appear. Like, "They'll never escape. You see, we have a GIANT CHAIN THAT STRETCHES ACROSS THE BAY!"
Bronn is the Wedge Antilles of "Game of Thrones."
I think Jeyne shows up later (in the book). In the books, she kind-of disappeared after the Stark Massacre in King's Landing. The Battle Nurse of Volantis wasn't in the book, but may be replacing someone who is (of BIG consequence but little-seen). I don't think the dragons were ever stolen in the books. Which, looking back, seems really ludicrous.
Seriously. Every time Anne WOOOOOOOO'd, I commented to my wife, "That's so fucking annoying. Someone should cut her mic." I made that request at least 10 times.
My favorite part of this whole discussion: the Brotherhood.
It's sad, but refreshing, that without liberals and geeks, the only search engines and/or social media these people would know would be, like, Bibles connected to beer chickens and pork rinds and power chairs. Seriously. You wanna be part of THAT revolution?
When we've snarked all we can snark, and the country is falling down around us, at least we'll be able to laugh.
That's awful. UPVOTE!
Were all of those people part(s) of breakfast? Because then, yeah, he had lunch and dinner to look forward to. BETTER!
If the dick goes back in his mouth, is he Semi-Hard Gabe? I think I need Videogum Remedial 101.
Not really music you can roll around on the hood of your car to, I guess.
Maybe the Black Keys' album's awesomeness (I'll take yourmom's word for it) only reigned supreme in "Indie Land," but the Arcade Fire album was awesome in a larger, more transcendent way . . ?
I really thought this--THIS--would be where we'd recap the horrorshow that was the Grammy's. Well, until those last 10 minutes.
I think Nightmare doth protest too much. Ripping the episode and Russell Brand in the intro but the descriptions of individual sketches don't sound so dire . . ? I can't hate (either way) because I didn't watch.
Early on, I pegged Kevin for a mid-season elimination (at best). And now Ed and Amanda are in a crack den somewhere . . . cooking. I was actually rooting for Ed because he seemed like such a sarcastic, jaded bastard. But with a heart.
It was strange seeing people in the context of "Mad Men" smoking next to an open window or going outside to smoke. Even stranger than on-set laptops and cell phones.
That opening number was one of the crowning achievements of his sad, unfunny career. When you're bad at telling jokes without laughing through them, I guess it's cool if you pick up a guitar and sing the jokes. Even better if you just do a Springsteen song with Kate Gosselin "dancing" behind you.
Is it just me, or was half the show dedicated to handing out awards to the same batch of five miniseries and HBO productions?