
finishing a Feast For Crows, FINALLY watching all of Louie, Our Idiot Brother, Downton Abbey season 2, and 50/50 - my list feels very short - what am I missing here, Monsters?
I think the thing that was great about Super 8 was that Abrams managed to recapture the heart and sense of wonder in a similar way that Spielberg was able to do in the 80's with things like E.T. And so, for me personally, it really evoked some cinematic nostalgia from a childhood spent sort of revering Spielberg. I really wanted to hate Super 8, because I generally hate J.J. Abrams and how blatantly he manipulates the audience in really elementary ways. But Super 8 kind of reminded me why I loved movies in the first place.
Yes, Gabe, a new generation of monsters/internet users need to know that "when you wrestle with the devil, you're going to get wet with fire."
This bit of the comment thread makes it seem like Kate is the reason for the season, according to Steve. Perfect.
By last count, I believe there were at least 8 monsters here in the SGF (though Werttrew would have to verify that - another fellow monster and I only did a really half-hearted twitter count about a month ago for Local Ozarks monsters)
I, for one, am just excited for the "Hey Girl..." ballet themed Ryan Gosling tumblr that is sure to come...
strangely, that seems almost right... well, at the very least, pretty inoffensive.
So does this mean the Strummer flick is basically going to be James Franco wandering around the streets of London, pontificating on the meaning of life, love and uh... sunrise (or sunset?)
The book is James Franco's latest piece of performance art, it also doubles as his dissertation proposal.
there is no such thing as too much kermit.
I think I did it wrong, I didn't want to die and the pressure was too much... we were all supposed to vote for Herman Cain, right? Right?
Wait - so Vlogging is still a thing? Also - can we do the whole time machine/kill Hitler thing and have Gabe go back in time and start a feud with this guy instead of Sexman?
Having taught 1st grade, I have to ask, why you would invite an "actress" that no 1st grader has ever heard of (be it from porn or Entourage) to read to them in the first place? The whole point of having guests in the classroom is to engage the students, in my experience, 1st graders don't engage well with completely unfamiliar or unrelateable people (I mean I'm assuming the teacher isn't showing them Sasha Grey performances before hand to familiarize them with her work).
was anyone else a little panicked about that cat in the kleenex box suffocating itself? no? just me? okay, then.
every award show needs an inexplicable blue man group performance... preferably against a backdrop of even more inexplicable explosions that send shia leboeuf hurtling out over the audience. If he lands on your lap, you lose.
What about those of us who've silently enjoyed (you say lurk, I say enjoy, whatever) all things Videogum and the commenting community for 3 years and only just decided to jump in?
I'm pretty sure there was a Dmetri (sp?) Martin reference and a George Lopez reference too.
I feel like the writers are constantly just re-writing What Up Wit Dat and Deep House Dish for Kenan... like that's all they know how to do with him and while I think the What Up Wit Dat sketch was generally good and funny, their poor bastardizations like the Cee Lo sketch never are and I wish they'd just give up.