
SA. (Spoonfers Anonymous, you don't have to feel ashamed, it's okay.)
kaaa-aaa-aaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaa... ka-ka-aaa-aaaaa-aaaaaa-kaaa-ka-ka-aaa,,, ka-aaa-aaa-aaaa-ka-aaa,,, ka... kaa... kaaAAaaAAAAA! ka ka ka ka ka? kaaaaaaaa... kaaaaaaaaaaa... kaBOOM! kaboom
I wish it were, my good sir. I miss those innocent days. The internet is a good place to spew bile as an alternative to spewing it in the real world, for sure. I've done it and I assume that everyone who's ever commented on any kind of forum must have done it at some point. But it's not harmless to spew it here. Some people do take this stuff seriously, and since your target is the freshly-hired junior editor of this site, I think she might take it a bit more to heart than maybe you meant her to. Not everybody goes onto the internet wanting to Bloodsport and what I - and I assume most other people who frequent this site - enjoy about this place is that people generally DON'T use this as an arena in which to destructively vent their issues anonymously. So while I can see your point, I don't think this is an appropriate venue for you to work through whatever it is you're going through, unless you're just trying to piss people off because I've done that too but it just feeds the cycle, you know? There must be some kind of work for an entomologist out there. I don't like bugs very much but I do find their behaviour interesting so I'd assume that someone who combined in themselves the liking of bugs and ALSO the finding of their behaviour interesting AS WELL AS an educated perspective on said behaviour would be a hot commodity somewhere. So don't give up. There's a place for you in this world and it's probably a lot better than the hole in the wall you're imagining for yourself right now. Take care and I'm sorry for this late reply but, you know, life.