
I logged in just to upvote this gem.
NOT the happy ending I was hoping for.
So in other words, her vagina does not require ramp access, but the rest of her does.
In a basket, WITH bows. What's wrong with you?
At least the royal wedding isn't on weekly. If there were any justice I would say Bob's Burgers over American Idol.
B-A-N-A-N-A-S - Gwen Stefani
What about 12 Monkeys? Is there some sorta loop hole for that movie?
I bet it's one of the members of the Black Eyed Peas.
Wait, so who does the voice of Oscar?
Soup, salad, breadsticks and...jager bombs?!
Kiss it with a fist?
It also happens to be "Bring your kids to work day" at my job. Sooo....we can just keep adding to your list.
More like facepancake! Sorry, I couldn't resist. But I like the new look.
It's Kitler time!
I'm anti-flash mobs, but I fucking LOVE Target. What are these crazy broads protesting at the end?
I know, right? Who matches their socks to their shirt!?
Remember when it was about 1995 and your parents first got the interwebz? So naturally you would wait until everyone went to bed to sign onto your AOL account and put some songs to download over night. It literally took all fucking night for 3 songs to download. Good times.