Dogfish Head/Guided By Voices – Beer Thousand (Light Lager)

Dogfish Head/Guided By Voices – Beer Thousand (Light Lager)

Dogfish Head brewmaster Sam Calagione is notorious in beer circles for his try-anything-once recklessness, and he’s extended his brewing insanity to a handful of great music-themed brews. His Miles Davis-inspired Bitches Brew is as good an American imperial stout as you’ll find, and his eclectic taste means there have also been beers made in honor of Robert Johnson, Pearl Jam, and the Grateful Dead, among others. Beer Thousand, brewed for the 20th anniversary of Guided By Voices’ Bee Thousand, is one of his most radical acts yet. While it’s unclear how much input Robert Pollard had on the beer’s creation, the beer feels thoroughly GBV, in that it’s a light lager that drinks like a whiskey. Dogfish Head used 10 malts, 10 hops, and cranked the ABV all the way up to 10%. (10x10x10=1000. Good one, guys.) I first drank one in Dayton — my, and GBV’s, hometown — and I wanted to crank “Gold Star for Robot Boy” to 10 and drink 1000 more.