
And you know they don't have health insurance because clearly they have imaginary jobs.
That makes me so upset that I'm actually punching the air at my desk. I mean really?! They had 63 people donate $5300 to send these assholes to see LCD Soundsystem because they love their music and in particular really love that song?! It's just not okay!
Sorry monsters, upon further review I've decided to join these world-changers (via head pants now):
Next time I go to visit my grandparents over the holidays and they ask what I'm doing with my life and why I'm not a doctor yet, I'll submit to them this video and say, "At least I'm not doing this." And then they'll lecture me on the demonic qualities of the internet.
It's okay, lot's of people out there suffer from PMB (premature monsters ball). This happens to a lot of people, we can wait for a little while and then try again if you want?
Lose. Quit. Self-banishment.
I was into this video way before it was posted on the internet. It's so mainstream now.
Let's try that again.
"Thanks for like totally getting me into UCLA, Dad! Ching chang ching chong."
Somebody studied literature! I will keep Biercing it up until I die in Mexico somewhere.
Fair point, obscure internet videos are always fair game. If I could delete that first comment I would, but it's forever in the Videogum archives (to be studied by historians for centuries to come). I must be taking crazy pills. I'll just disappear across the Mexican border, never to be heard from again.
Okay, okay monsters. Clearly things are being switched up a bit this week and chances are I'm not going to enjoy everything that is posted by the guest bloggers, god knows they're trying though and kudos to them for their efforts and willingness to put forth the time and effort to write for a humor blog. I understand it takes a lot of courage and character to publish your writing for mass consumption and then allow for basically unedited comments. While I'm a bit hesitant to warm up to this whole idea, I'll simply keep my mouth shut for the rest of the week and recall one important rule: Sorry Thumper.
I expected more cat farts. That's what you said in your first post, cat farts!
Agreed. NEXT!
Let the vitriol and malicious downvoting begin.
One of my jobs is with a SEO firm. I'm not defending it or anything, it's really not the greatest thing in the world and businesses throw a lot of money its way for really no reason other than idiots on Google tend to give their business blindly to the top results (business, neat!). But if something this obscure seems like something worth ridiculing, I think it's clear we need Gabe back. I hate to be the rotten apple, or piss on parades but this week is a little like cold coffee: it works for its stated purpose, but its missing the kick and warm comfort you're used to.
You seem nice and funny Brad. But where's Gabe? I'm scared. I don't like change. My routine is broken. I'm so confused!
I should clarify: if we give her another label, it only further cements The Narrator's role as a pet monkey husband. My actual pet monkey would be offended. PS. I have a pet monkey.
If the latter is true, I willingly relinquish my voluntary participation in Videogum.
"Is this how the whole week is going to be? No Gabe? Can't we at least get Birdie to guest blog?" There's your winning caption right there.
This whole guest blogger arrangement is my nightmare.
Damnit, I'm so sad. This is like when I came up with the Snuggie and found out I was two months and several infomercials late.
We vote the way Tea Partiers vote on ballot issues: with malice and fear.
New Party Game #whatever: Bieber Films. "Life in the Time of Bieber Fever" Goodnight Monsters! I'll be here until Wednesday.
Babyrapists + age + MD =
"Why does a 9 year-old have a cellphone? When I was 9, I was lucky we even had a home phone! Kids these days." -Grumpy old man
If Gabe didn't press the reset button after the torches and pitchforks uprising that ensued after he linked a picture of Paltrow's lady parts, the chances of him pressing it over passive aggressive VW commercial lovers are pretty slim. Also: Lady parts.
We Should All Be So Lucky As To Find Something In This World That Makes Us Happy: Hating On Everything, featuring Gabe Delahaye