
nuthin', CHILL, relax, everything's cool recordingDR. I was trying to be nice ffs! :) <== see?
yw, I knew it sounded like a left-handed compliment, which is why I went out of my way to not seem like I was being shitty, but apparently I am incapable of it.
Please send me it 4 business opportunity. Cause I like your style (srsly, it made me smile).
I think I've been ugly to you in the past (sorry, probably!), but I'm feelin' everything you just said. My soul is making out with yours while you sleep. But srsly, "< b>the Sonic Youth" was *clap clap clap*, I mean I happen to like Sonic Youth due to my old age, but I can easily see myself putting a "the" in front of the Sonic Youth. And I've watched one too many movies bc the trailer had some track that crossed wires and made me feel funny.
You would get along great with my mom! :) Just kidding. I think it's cute. "whats with all the videos that edit the cat into them?" Lols! :)
I get around it by going, "My hair? I just blew it dry." I don't know how that translates to our Woody problem [is what she said], but that's all I got. That's my skill set right there.
You're zinging hella poetic today. First "late-to-the-game contrarian", now "dispassionate-reader" zing. Book deal!
*hug* I'm so glad this is an open space. You should have heard the rhetoric coming out of my mom yesterday. U r not alone.
WHy yes, Gabe, I would like to come over and play Muscle March, shirts optional. Haha I'M JUST KIDDING. (Call me.)
more like open a wall *sigh* it's gonna be a long day, guys!
Ha ha! You make some insane assumptions! I didn't think I'd be calling anyone a huge dick today, but you kind of are one! What must it be like to navigate through life, making all kindz of krazy assumptions? I bet it is a trip!
Thanks, Adam. I have a feeling it's not going to go over very well anyway, so it ain't matter. Relax, Angelaaaa.
I agree that Anna seems like a condescending alien monster. I don't really understand why people get into so much trouble, though, for suggesting that people lose weight if they're unhealthily overweight. Especially if the person is a tv celebrity and about to be on a magazine cover. If they lost weight, it might inspire their shitload of fans to try for a healthy weight, also. Anna's tone could use some work, fo sho, but I don't think it's so outlandish that she suggest getting to a healthier weight before going on the cover of a magazine.
srsly, he's gonna fuck you up for that one
my boyfriend's gonna kick your ass
has the personality of one, too.
Kelly won Most Charitable at 15, you guys, because that's a thing.
Let's go further: that poster is your boyfriend (you have that fetish for inanimate objects)
(S)he wants so badly to include a "LOLZ!" in some of these. e.g., "Cher is the public defender assigned to the case -- LOLZ!!"
How was I supposed to procrastinate when your webpage machines were broken? I actually got some, like, WORK done at the computer this morning. It sucked!
You just made me try it with both hands and now I feel ridiculous.
we're all still waiting on this videogum account, ben ;)
or maybe even that he just queefed in his mouth a little. you never know! he's such a card!
hahahha AOL Keyword: theworst
Where is our lil' Cake Eateur? This is gonna freak him OUT.
Sometimes I rue the day I ever started pushing that shit. Well Gabe said it, but then I had to get all technojeremy with it instead of just relaxing. Now it's a technomonster. TechnoTailor was sophisticated usage though, lol. I wonder how many people will understand this comment, it's like the language of a crazy person.
What's up with the odd length of his pants? He's really great, but I don't understand the pants.
K, RIP technojeremy. You made me lol while you lasted. Gonna buy a book of knock-knock jokes now.
0:24 seconds of my life I am willing to spend on this video again, again and again. Lyfe is Beautiful.
The blonde one's kinda hot. God, I am SO kidding. It Friday.
Nobody liked Scoop. Woody Allen did not like Scoop.