
Funny how they're parodying the kind of bourgeois sense of entitlement that is showcased by their suburban McMansion and the monster truck rally in their driveway.
Vamos a necesitar un UGH más grande
It looks like they could all use some Stella Doro Breakfast Treats.
I think the math works out if you use 10 boxes of Wet Wipes a day. You should definitely stop doing that. Or seek medical attention...or wear incontinence pads.
I'd go with lucky and puerile, but whatevs.
Billy Dee Williams! Lou Diamond Phillips! Whoopsie! STARZ!
It's on Netflix, too. Park Plaza Mall is slashing prices...and its customers!
I just don't Tweet, but that's because I'm a 65 year old man. If I want to get a message out I just use duplication machines to make fliers to post around the town square and the elks lodge.
Thank you for being a friend!
It's about time Videogum had an existential crisis. Well written.
[2. Trade-City] Anal Arcane Get Me Out of Here
Bill O'Reilly's audience is developmentally delayed, so this makes complete sense. This is like the child psychologist explaining divorce to a three year old.
I mean, do people really think that everyone with any conservative leanings is some kind of complete idiot, by default? No, some of them are really cynical, and some of them just read too much Rand.
Don't be coy, Lindsay. We all know you just got your own blog, Kittengum. You're stealing all Gabe's page views!
?I said to the girl, ?Hey, was it good for you, too?? And she said, ?Well, I guess it?ll get better eventually.? Sadly, she wasn?t right. It wasn?t better for her or any of the women who subsequently agreed to sleep with me.? Judd Apatow in Playboy this month (via Aziz is Bored)
Dial M for My Goodly Wife
you're too fast for me, internet
A Country for Old Men Respectful Disagreement Club There Shouldn't Be Blood
next up: Keyboard cat plays off Haley Joel Osment after he's slapped by Helen Hunt in Pay It Forward Make this happen, internet.
This is a real thing? Urinal cake advertising is a real thing? and it's not just for Urologists and Valtrex? Everyone needs to slap the next advertising agent they meet. Time to shut it down.
I think this is a good argument for the succession of Long Island. Hopefully they'll take Gwennie with them. Ultra rich navel gazing. Ugh.
I might watch a biopic about Da Cake Eatur. Only if he was played by a chimp.
"You were a blonde half asian with a bad case of gas. I was wearing a gray speedo and a hockey mask" Halloween ideas! or: Thursday night in Williamsburg ideas!
and how to make pecan pie with pudding
It's like Carlos Mencia crossed with Bono crossed with :(
No, we're all putting food on Michael Moore. Michael Moore: Super Size ME
race to the bottom of meta!
Duke James of Old Northeast. Ritual disembowelment with a $75 Spade Cake Knife in a clean space. Nourish the inner aspect with overpriced kitchen accessories.
I will not watch it on a plane I will not watch it on a train I will not watch it with a fox I will not watch it in a box