
you realize that doesn't make any sense right? colbert is being a conservative in order to make fun of them. Bruno is being gay in order to make fun of them??
have you ever watched a movie about a bunch of straight guys who have a bachelor party (the hangover) and they talk about how much they want to fuck everything that moves and haha its so funny because those guys are ridiculous. almost every comedy i can think of has at least one male character like that. should i be upset at the way it portrays heterosexual men?
if i played sitar would i be cool, too?
why did you post a series of random capital letters interspersed with words about sandwiches?
i actually really like the new wilco a lot. i was surprised. maybe i was just in the right mood for it when i first heard it?
hmm, probably not. it was released before yankee hotel foxtrot, but i bet jesus, etc. was recorded first, what with all that warner brothers drama they had to go through to get it released.
i am gonna hate this movie because i am homophobic.
anco sux. they are so unoriginal. miley cyrus > animal collective > DC talk > grizzly bear
so far, it's between this and passion pit's manners.
gabe is obviously in love with this woman.
people also love will ferrell. and professional basketball. and sometimes, they even love living in manhattan and being a professional blogger. i don't know how they do it, but somehow they do. they just DO.
i guess wilco ripped off jack johnson then. "jesus, etc." has the exact same chord progression as "flake". he should totally sue.
you know who else is somebody's daughter? gwyneth paltrow. gabe, stop exploiting her goopy legs for more page views!
"Hey Malkovich, think fast! FUCK!" (takes a bow)
thank you - i didn't want to type all that out. this is not confusing at all. it's not confusing that it refers to her previous statement about white males, and it is not confusing that it is not funny at all. rush limbaugh can fondle my balls.
i don't think you've proved me wrong gabe. i still liked this movie. BUT you have pointed out some obvious things that i may have overlooked the first time around. however, mel brooks is great. and so are free blowjobs. so get over it.
i wonder if o'reilley has ever heard of AMERICA'S FUNNIEST VIDEOS? i guess bob saget is the ultimate voyeurist.
it's the exact same. wait... no... nope. it's not.
i think the problem here is that will ferrell is unfunny. case closed.
are the best and worst comments going to be based on the scores we give them? or is it all up to you guys to decide based on your stellar knowledge of "best" and "worst"?
you've obviously never been to church. if you, in fact, have - it's obvious that your church was a boring one where old people sang along with an organ and the kids all slept in the pews.
for those who aren't familiar, christians often use videos like this one to sell something to other christians (usually it is trying to be funny in order to do so). oh, and they stereotype conservatives as cookie-eating soccer mom monsters and liberals as scruffy-haired musicians with tatoo sleeves and simplistic knowledge of eastern religions. but all stereotypes are born out of reality, right guys?
how could that possibly be a level from an actual mario game?!? seriously, folks. there's water hovering above sky. and as we all know, mario follows all rules of logic and physics to a T.
does anybody remember late world with zach that aired on VH1 back several years ago? so, i think he DEFINITELY has ample experience.
i love these things. is the guy that makes them famous yet?
oh, yea, but i forgot about her pee pants. nevermind.
seriously, my maan! like, have we totally forgotten about this already, everybody? did we already forget her effect on little children?
wow, i just had a nostalgic orgasm watching the 1979 video....
I don't know guys - I think it's pretty obvious that rascal flatts is much more powerful than barack obama.
too bad you didn't stick with i'm a celebrity... for one more day:,,MediaProductsTax:TVImaCelebrityGetMeOutofHere,00.html this would have made great videogum fodder.
charismatic is even an umbrella term when compared to this girl's EXTREME-ness. 1 out of every 4 protestant churches in the united states is considered charasmatic, meaning they "believe that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit seen in the first century Christian Church are available to contemporary Christians and may be experienced and practiced today" (wikipedia). its one thing to do that stuff in church, its another altogether to put that shit on youtube. geez.
wikipedia says it was released September 21, 1991. nice work, internets.
i liked reign over me. is that weird? gabe, i dare you to change my mind.
i get the feeling that you have never actually seen an episode of the tonight show until this one. not to defend leno or anything (i generally despise his sense of humor, winks and peace signs), but come on! his monologue was alluding to the past 17 years. would it not have been more strange if he had done john and kate plus 8 jokes all night instead of remembering some of the more ridiculous moments in our culture during his tonight show career? ugh. why am i sticking up for leno?! i want conan NOW!
wow, i have no idea what anything you just said means.