
Mirror Mirror 2 2
I really thought he was just doing a Jack Black impression for that whole movie.
The sheer number of upvotes on that thread is amazing (and deserved).
Ahem... I mean: #Werttrew4MadMenRecapper
Also, that was supposed to be a reply to your other comment. But whatever.
Mans, you always struck me as a New Era Fitted kind of guy anyway.
I'm sorry Chris, that was a very non-serious answer to your serious question.
Just buy things that don't suck and you should be OK.
I don't think the other Lonely Island guys are on the show anymore- at least they weren't on the writer's credits. Am I missing something?
Well, if ANYONE knows what it takes to rape the legacy of Kurt Cobain, it's Courtney.
Actually a Tannerin was used on Good Vibrations. Slightly different, control-wise. #coolstorybro
Oh god, so many "Surprise Faces" by that Sarah garbage monster. Sooooooo many.
Rest In Peace, Maya Rudolph's Whitney Houston impression. Rest In Peace.
"Oscar Winner That One Guy Who Made Everything Is Beautiful"
Actually, I think its this guy:
There used to be a metal band at my highschool named "Homage." Only, they thought it was pronounced "homm-age." Rad.
If Tyler can't be expected to spell his name correctly, why should Gabe (or anyone) be?
Sir Elton, it was actually the video for "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore." Rocket Man was released in 1972, when Justin Timberlake was -9 years old. Sorry to be a buzzkill- I know we all get confused.
How out of place if True Life on a network like MTV? (Hint: totally out of place as a respectful and thought-provoking look at real people's lives.)
Sorry, it was a funny joke, but I had to downvote based on principle.
"Whistling to the tune of Ray Charles classic, MACGRUBER"
If ever there was a time for Joe Mande to Take One For The Team...
I am offended by the Bucky Lasek reference, Kelly.
Thanks Chris- there goes my afternoon.
Oh, hi everyone! Uh, wait, never mind. I thought it said "nude" commenters.
Acquiring steroids is not that hard.
And now it's time for Brrrrrian's Random Arnold Schwarzenegger Stories: 1. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed my diploma AND 2. There was a big earthquake in my town that demolished a bunch of buildings and killed a few people (yikes indeed). Schwarzenegger helicoptered in and addressed the town from the city park: "We will rebuild you town squeee-ah!" (that's "square" to all the non-Austrians out there) These things both happened because ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER WAS THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. I still can't get over how fucking nuts that is.
I'm just gonna leave this here...
That bloke is the host of Dramaville on BBC America. Lifetime pass.
Leave the blaster, take the canoli.