
House MD with a dash of Saving Grace coming right up
from the vimeo comments: "At the los Angeles museum of natural history. Where everything except the dinosaurs are dead."
We have a bunch of photos from my 1st grade field trip to the museum where I'm scared out of my mind, sobbing at the dinosaur exhibit being forced to pose with all of my seemingly not frightened classmates in front of every single dinosaur. And those things barely moved, and were behind barriers. Now when I go see this thing, I'll be able to control myself enough to wait to cry in the bathroom.
And look what Martin "Ramon Antonio Gerard Estevez" Sheen and Jimmy Smits did for Bill Richardson!!
I couldn't get past the second paragraph -- What does the debate team have to do with the internet? She feels "extremely insecure about communicating publicly for the first time via the blogosphere"? I would've never guessed that was harder than, I don't know, being on live tv. Why do child actors cite high school experiences as if they were "normal"?
acutally, the internet was created in 1989 and soulja boy was born in 1990. and now that i've corrected someone over the internet about the creation of the internet, I think I've maxed out my nerd card for the day. thank you and goodnight.
I was going to say that doesn't happen anymore, but then I remembered how I got more excited for Pineapple Express after they played MIA in the trailer, so never mind.
He probably directed a few of those movies in the Silent Bob character. Affleck would turn and ask for some direction and Smith just stood there kinda nodding. Also, in the BergenPAC event y'all linked to, the bio listed Kevin Smith as having directed Good Will Hunting. I had to quickly check imdb.
I guess it's hard to include Magibon ( in a music video.
Heather Graham can't act. She reads her lines monotone and smiles wide eyed for the camera. Sexy but well meaning. And Cameron Diaz has the lock on that these days.