
Does anyone else think that Gorillaz having any kind of effect on someone's sex life is completely random and weird?
Look how many people we love are in this movie! It has to be at least decent you guys!
My thoughts exactly. PS: It's about his car.
Jared Leto is still the worst, though.
You know, this actually isn't completely horrific. Jordan Catalano would make a great Kurt Cobain.
That was a joke Juno would make!
She writes like a bad music blogger.
Do you *really* believe "Little by Little', "Bloom", and "Codex" are 'worse than mediocre' music? Just because it isn't a 5 star album doesn't mean it can't still be good. As for your other comments, I don't think anyone's afraid to say what they think. As we can see here, plenty of people don't like the album. I agree that the Kid A comment is insane, though.
I've just lost interest, I guess. This song doesn't do much for me, even for nostalgia's sake.
When a band puts out arguably 4 or 5 near perfect albums - including a couple of the best albums ever (right?), it's hard to evaluate fairly when they release something that doesn't live up to that precedent. 'For Radiohead', it's a mediocre effort, but it's still a wonderfully produced/written record with some incredible moments that deserves above average praise. It's just not a classic. PS: Why wasn't this a 'Double Take'?
The Everything That Comes Out of My Mouth is Totally Not Insane Psycho Crazy Network
You made one mistake here, Gabe. *Postal Service* practically invented music.
Even at their 'laziest', the Strokes can still make a pretty damn good album.
'Uncaring' is used as a noun here referring to an attitude. May not be grammatically correct according to Prince Charles, but it makes sense.
Nope. Still not gonna buy it.
I think it was meant to be ironic. By that I mean naming the movie "Remember Me."
WILLOW & TARA <3<3<3<3<3 Nerd Invasion on Videogum!
How about That New Buffy Movie Is Going to Be The Worst Open Thread?
Tara also says "Be back before Dawn" in Buffy's dream towards the end of 4. Fun (even though I totally hate Dawn)!
With the exception of the premiere and the finale, I just skip Season 1.
Big fan of these guys, but a little disappointed in this track.
This sucks ass? In what ways exactly? Unfortunately, sometimes Pitchfork is right.
I'm referring more to actual misogyny. Using men calling women 'bitches' in songs as an argument that hip hop is misogynist is pretty outdated for the most part. My friends call each other 'bitches' in regular conversation as a joke. Jay-Z may use this language towards women in his music, but he's been faithful to Beyonce for years (as far as has been reported, anyway, yes). Vague example, but you get where I'm going with this. Don't get me wrong, I get where the argument comes from, but as you said about Eminem, I grew up listening to him too and I didn't throw someone in my trunk.
The misogyny thing is just a persona for the songs. It's not supposed to be taken at face value. Kanye addresses this and its consequences on tracks like "Runaway."
Indeed, I am an idiot. Fail. Etc. I am also a 'she'.
There are other genres besides rock music that are (usually more so) innovative, creative and worthy of praise. Even 'black' music! Good luck with that, though.
Kanye is among my absolute favorites, and even I agree that the album was a bit overly praised. 10.0? 5 stars? Better than College Dropout or Late Registration? Nope.
We live in a world where Taylor Swift is better than Robyn.
I know you accidentally forgot to add 3 to your list. Forgiven.
This dude is so underrated. Love him.
"See Me Now" is gonna be an iTunes bonus track
I didn't kill my wife!
He sounds like The Beatles cause it's in his genes, not cause he's copying chords.
This POV fails to acknowledge that both parties represent big government, that every administration in the past 20 years has pushed for the same type of stuff, just called it something else.