
The funny thing is the only reason I'm getting thumbs down because the truth is ugly just like Grimes.
Yeah why don't you try getting an original name and avatar. Looks who's talking fraud.
Let's see, the bitch is ugly, the music terrible and she needs singin lessens. I don't get it
Sorry but that thing was never a "her".
what a fucking idiot.
Best song of 2011. Glee version is decent but not better.
Grimes the flavor of the month. Let's hope she'll eventually disappear.
Coachella is a joke. Whatever happened to good music and taste?
Foo Fighters are amazing you are wrong.
agreed hipsters have created many awful bands and music for the last 10 years.
the chick in the dum dum video has a nostril much larger than the other. she must use it forcoke
can someone explain this music? it's long, drawn out, and the melody isn't catchy
this music is all terrible junk. it's too bad k-pop is all derivative an uncreative, guess it's true about asians not being creative. they should go back to playing to kill themselves playing starcraft
No wonder nobody likes asian guys. they all look like fags
No trolololol from me today. After listening to a few School Of Seven bells songs. I hear simple chord progressions based in pop music and melodies that are typical over the top of these progressions. For example the newest single "Lafaye" ( starts with just 3 chords: Cm, E♭ maj, and G# maj repeating throughout the verse. The chorus is Fmaj, G#maj, E♭ maj, and back to Cm. The melodies over the top these chords are extremely simple and hackneyed. If one were to translate them to distorted guitar and have a young suburban girl sing them, they would sound like Paramore. Try it. Grimes on the other hand isn't pop friendly music. Grimes songs by comparison have more intricate and original melodies with chord and key changes that aren't easily predictable. Far more original and challenging to listen to but more rewarding on repeated listens. Sleigh Bells is too loud and their albums will literally give you listening fatigue.
It's spelled Mirrorring not Mirroring.
Haters gonna hate, they are just jealous of the success of one of the best bands to come out in years.
25 bands that will be forgotten by next year.
You aren't intelligent.
I thought the Lilith died a long time ago lol guess not
Pick the left option when she lying on the ground after being stung by bees for the best ending.
Can't wait until this idiot goes away
Yes she looks like a freak don't know how she is so popular.. oh that's right hipsters like anything not normal looking or mainstream.
Thank god someone agrees with me. Her music always sounded pretentious and just plain awful.
why haven't this dumb bitch gone away by now? Vivian Girls was fail and so is La Sera
Both these terrible bands are still around?
lykke li is terrible and irrelevant now
Well that was just an awful song.
oh look it's Kristen Wiig not being funny for the thousandth time.
I pray this bitch dies in a terrible car accident on tour.
Best video/song featured on Stereogum in months!
Yes fuck the US and their draconian laws
all those bands are terrible
Also $500 on eating out is completely insane. That's how much I make a month!
Who on earth spends $2000 a month on clothes???
Amazing beautiful artist. You haters need to stfu and listen to something else.